Politics+Current Affairs

The Line Where Religions Collide
Journalist and poet Eliza Grizwold says we can learn a lot about Christianity by surveying the region where they have clashed for 200 years.
Burma's 'Human Hope'
Activist's release signals optimism as election spurs fear.
School Choice 2.0
Supreme Court weighs Arizona tax credits.
Marriage: Marginalized in the Middle
The American retreat from marriage is moving into the heart of the social order: the middle class.
Tim Keller: What We Owe the Poor
The pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church says seeking justice is not optional for the person saved by grace.
The Changing Political Landscape
Activists face six new realities.
Teeming Diversity
The Third Lausanne Congress demonstrated that global evangelicalism has been transformed.
Progress Against AIDS Falters
Christians should make the moral case for sustaining aid programs.
Let People Shop
Food pantries feed more, waste less with client choice.
Singing For Jesus
One reason white America sings spirituals today.
More Than a Mountain
'Deep Down' plumbs theological divide on coal mining.
Pray for the Peace of Sudan
The World Evangelical Alliance's Geoff Tunnicliffe talks about efforts to ensure a fair and peaceful election in Sudan and calls for a world day of prayer for the safety of believers there.
Evangelical vs. Mainline Politics
A new study suggests that evangelical pastors have been more likely to take public stances and candidates than their mainline cohorts.
The Ethics of Earmarks
As President Obama calls for an end to projects written into legislation, Charles Colson says banning pork projects is an ethical "no-brainer."
A Man for All Evangelicals
Vernon Grounds shaped the movement with a rare combination of gifts in apologetics, social justice, and pastoral counseling.
Local Is Beautiful
Bill McKibben believes we can thrive on a planet that will never be the same. A review of 'Eaarth.'
The Politics of Prayer
When is it okay to bring the Bible into a political fight?
A Living Stream in the Desert
How the Christian faith will be a subversive—and liberating—influence in the Middle East.
A Theology of Workflow
Matt Perman on how Christians should think about productivity.
New Limits on Religious Freedom
Discussion: Should Christians support laws that ban Muslim women from wearing the face veil in public?

Top Story July 22, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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