
My Top 5 Books for College Students
Must-read picks from Gregory Thornbury, president of The King's College in New York City.
It's Never Too Late to Become a Great Dad
Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly has an encouraging message for fathers: You’re not defined by your past.
When Jesus Shows Up at the Jazz Club
An interview with Karen Halvorsen Schreck about her new novel, Sing For Me.
How Working on Wall Street Can Corrupt Your Soul
The financial industry’s amoral culture plunges young strivers into a spiritual abyss. Kevin Roose sounds a moral alarm.
The Reality of Ruth and Billy Graham
A new biography highlights both their virtues and their flaws.
Why ‘God and the Gay Christian’ Is Wrong About the Bible and Same-Sex Relationships
Matthew Vines rehashes older arguments for a modern audience. But those arguments still don’t square with Scripture.
How My Son with Autism Transformed my Business
A guest post by Randy Lewis about Walgreen's new initiative to employ people with disabilities
Why Christians Should Read Secular Novels
Among other things, great books help us love our neighbor
Tim Keller: Emotion Isn't the Caboose to Faith
Tim Keller says Christianity needs to make emotional sense before it can make rational sense.
Giving Thanks for Gratitude
Peter Leithart explores the history of a virtue with revolutionary social potential.
Are Mormons More Christian Than We Think?
Stephen Webb asks whether Latter-day theology sheds new light on familiar beliefs.
The Difference Dallas Willard Makes
How his focus on Christlike transformation can enrich evangelical faith.
Would You Share the Gospel with Hitler's Worst Henchmen?
Meet Henry Gerecke, the American chaplain who embodied Christ’s mission to seek the lost, no matter how loathsome.
New & Noteworthy Books
Compiled by Matt Reynolds
The Bible's Unequivocal 'No' to Domestic Violence
Justin and Lindsey Holcomb offer the hope of grace to victims of abuse.
How We Forgot the Holiness of God
He may not be cruel and capricious. But don't pretend he isn't dangerous.
Seeing Jesus Through Doubting Eyes
What can we learn about our Savior—and ourselves—from biblical figures who “got him wrong”?
Four Ways to Help Your Child Love Reading
Reading is in decline among adolescents. Parents can help.
NRB Forces Out WaterBrook Multnomah Publishers Over Sister Imprint's 'Gay Christian' Book
Member employees can't work on 'unbiblical material, regardless of the label.'
Bonhoeffer Against the World
How did a young man with no apparent power become a hero of the faith? A new biography explains.

Top Story July 23, 2024

He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
Most ministers were silent about Watergate. Why was one evangelical pastor different?

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