
When Money's Tight, Bank on the Great Provider
How seasons of financial uncertainty can teach us about true abundance.
Raising Wholehearted--Not Perfect--Kids
An interview with Jeannie Cunnion about Parenting the Whole Hearted Child
What Happened to Wedding Vows?
Marriage requires a stronger foundation than just cutesy promises.
Reading Genesis, Red in Tooth and Claw
Ronald Osborn launches an assault on overly literal understandings of the creation story.
Arguing Against the 'Argument Culture'
Tim Muehlhoff discusses the art of civil, Christlike conversation.
Why You Should Tell Your Family's Story
What memoir-writing has to do with Christian faith
The Trouble with Touchy-Feely Faith
A historian explores the sappier side of evangelical life.
Breaking Up With God
An interview with Caryn Rivadeneira about God's role and redemption when we face a crisis.
Picturing N.T. Wright
A willing subject, a talented photographer, and great light. When planning a photo session in a remote location you hope for those three things. In the case of CT’s April 2014 cover story, we received them all.
The Book of Common Prayer Is Still a Big Deal
Alan Jacobs explains why the nearly 500-year-old Anglican prayer book retains its influence, and why it should appeal even to (non-Anglican) evangelicals.
Enough Time to Pray, Even as a Mother: An Interview with Micha Boyett
The author of Found talks about prayer, parenting, and grace
Faith for the Post-Christian Heart: A Conversation with Francis Spufford
For the UK writer, Christianity must first make sense in the realm of lived experience.
When Parenting Gets Lost in the Details
In a wave of books for modern moms, Gloria Furman’s gospel meditations offer a simple goal.
New & Noteworthy Books
Compiled by Matt Reynolds
A Thread Called Grace
How I came to stop hiding and face the biggest secret of my early life.
Imagine All the People
Trillia Newbell casts a vision for a reconciled, racially diverse church.
All Women Have Leadership Potential
How the church could do a better job preparing them for positions of power.
Raised in a Christian Cult
‘Girl at the End of the World’ adds to an important line of ex-fundamentalist survivor stories.
America Does Not Live by Elite Consensus Alone
After World War II, a small cluster of intellectuals determined our cultural values. George Marsden says we need more voices at the table.

Top Story July 23, 2024

ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
UPDATE: The chair of the board of trustees, Kevin Smith, has resigned.

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