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Actually, Evangelicals Were Quite Enthusiastic About Romney
Two new reports shine new light on what happened in last month's election.
In Defeats, Evangelicals' Political Unity at All-Time High
In three decades, born-again voters have gone from an even split to 4-to-1 Republican.
The Evangelical Electoral Map 2012
Exit polling is sketchier this time around, but there are some noteworthy developments.
Has LifeWay Really Banned the Word 'Vagina'?
Fact-checking the widely cited reason the Christian retail chain is not carrying Rachel Held Evans's book.
Baylor Hires Alan Jacobs Away from Wheaton
He'll start at its Honors College in August 2013.
Second Coming Christ Controversy Update: LifeWay Won't Sell to Olivet
Decision comes after report from National Association of Evangelicals on school's founder, David Jang.
The Second Coming Christ Controversy: More Leaders Speak Out
David Jang's emissaries to Singapore speak for the first time on why they believed he was a new Christ, why they changed their minds, and how his organization operates.
The Second Coming Christ Controversy
David Jang has become an increasingly influential figure in Asian and now American evangelicalism. He and his followers have founded media outlets and a Christian college and are key influencers in the World Evangelical Alliance. But many say he leads a group that has encouraged the belief that he's the 'Second Coming Christ.' Is there any truth to the allegations?
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Nonprofits, the Bible, and Jesus
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Southern Baptists Debate the Sinner's Prayer
After David Platt called it "superstitious," resolution says it's no incantation.
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Quotes about Richard Land, the word 'a,' and more.
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Recent remarks on Pat Robertson, surprise persecution simulations, and more.
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Recent stats on prison ministry, spirituality, and geography.
Humber Games: Christian Pitcher Is Perfect (Today)
Is White Sox's Phil Humber the new Jeremy Lin or Tim Tebow?
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Recent stats on missions, money, and church and state.
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Recent remarks on book titles, weight loss, and more.
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Recent remarks on prison pardons, prayer cards, and more.
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Recent stats on church life, the Bible, and spirituality.