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Stepping to Success
One reason Randy and Paula White's Without Walls is one of the country's fastest-growing congregations.
Military Chaplains Don't Mind Prayer Guidelines
Plus: Prayers of strangers don't help the sick, no out of state same-sex marriages in Mass., and more articles from online sources around the world.
Rahman Safe in Italy
Plus: Baylor professor denied tenure, San Francisco officials call Christian rally "disgusting," and more articles from online sources around the world.
What's Next for Abdul Rahman?
Plus: Mary Winkler apologizes, CPT captives head home, the S.D. abortion wars and more articles from online sources around the world.
Missions Incredible
South Korea sends more missionaries than any country but the U.S. And it won't be long before it's number one.
Prophecy and Politics
How revivals and the Olympics made Korea the wunderkind of missions.
Mark Noll Leaving Wheaton for Notre Dame
Prominent evangelical historian and public intellectual to replace retiring George Marsden.
Two Cheers for the Vatican
Evangelicals generally support Roman Catholic decision on gay seminarians.
March for Life Marks Shift on Roe
Plus: 'Time' on the abortion battle in the states, Tulsa church tests 'Kelo v. New London', Benedict's first encyclical, Gordon-Conwell's new president, and more articles from online sources around the world.
Boston's Quiet Revival
Evangelical Christianity thrives in America's most Catholic city, at the heart of cold New England.
The New Face of Missions
Today's missionaries go to-and leave from-nearly every country to complete the Great Commission.
Why You Won't Like Turkish Delight As Much As Edmund Did
Though sales are up in the U.K., no one thinks the exotic, rose-flavored candy will catch on in the U.S.
American Baptist Exodus
Scripture, homosexuality divide another venerable denomination.
The Sunday After
What Gulf churches were doing on the first Lord's Day after Katrina.
Cultures of Life and Death
Some governments are learning that welcoming children is a good thing.
The Sunday After
What Gulf churches were doing on the first Lord's Day after Katrina.
The New Monasticism
A fresh crop of Christian communities is blossoming in blighted urban settings all over America.
Judge Overturns $11.5 Million Big Idea Judgment
Appeals court reverses copyright law decision that helped to put VeggieTales in bankruptcy.
Planned Parenthood Affiliate Quietly Removes Cartoon Advocating Violence Against Pro-lifers
Christian and pro-life groups say attack is supported by tax dollars.
The Hate Within
National pride conspired with original sin to produce Europe's worst genocide since World War II.