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Free to Choose What?
Pro-choicers' inherent contradictions.
The New Monasticism Continues
The Door interviews Shane Claiborne.
Wiccan Discrimination
Despite being the country's fastest growing religion, practitioners stay in the "broom closet."
Profiting from the Poor
Is it time to return to the ban on usury?
The New CCM: Christ Community Music
Christian contemporary music wants in on the non-CCM action.
Pro-choice Giuliani
Enough waffling for the 9/11 hero, he's for abortion rights.
God in the Chaos
Columbine proves the nation needs God after tragedies like the Virginia Tech murders.
Former director of the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives says American politicians need to get religion.
Catholic Worship Wars
Will the Latin Mass make a comeback?
Sighting the Nonexistent
Do the doctrines of sin and obedience to God lead to child abuse?
Campus Revival
NYT on religious college students.
Taking Care of Our Widows
Another cause to care about.
Obama's faith, his pastor, and his foreign policy
The NYT explores the Senator's faith and his pastor, while David Brooks deciphers how it might affect his foreign policy.
Biblically Responsible Investing
Putting our money where our values are.
Jesus' Last Words as Ars Moriendi
How his seven last words can guide the Christian preparing for death.
Emerging Monasticism
A mission renaissance in 'The New Friars'
Unthinkable Injustice
Slavery not only still exists but is greater than ever. Fortunately, Christians continue to fight the wicked trade.
Home Sharks
Unscrupulous lenders target Habitat for Humanity homeowners.
Day of Reckoning
Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel face an uncertain future.
Euthanasia Confusion
Newspaper accounts of end-of-life debates too often muddle the issues.