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Suicide Bomber Kills More Than 70 as Taliban Targets Christians Celebrating Easter at Pakistan Park
(UPDATED) Blasphemy execution goes from good news to bad news for beleaguered believers.
Tullian Tchividjian Confesses Second Affair Concealed by Two Coral Ridge Elders
(UPDATED) Tchividjian prays his story will 'serve as a warning' on sin, while Florida ministry leaders who tried to help reflect on what they’d do differently.
How Pakistani Christians Fleeing Persecution Get Tied Up in Thailand
Churches fall victim to their own successful welcome of Pakistani refugees.
The Data Don’t Lie: Couples That Pray Together Actually Do Stay Together
And other key findings from new major research on minority US families.
Tullian Tchividjian Fired by Church, Liberate Board Members Quit
(UPDATED) Tchividjian tells CT: 'I remain committed to that painful and progressive process' of repentance.
How 11 Pastors Preach Politics (Or Don't)
We asked 11 pastors about the last time they preached about politics and why.
On Dying and Reckoning with the Prosperity Gospel
How church historian Kate Bowler's cancer diagnosis brought her face-to-face with the beauty and terror of the popular movement.
Died: Don McClanen, Founder of Fellowship of Christian Athletes
(UPDATED) Vision of Oklahoma basketball coach 60 years ago now reaches 2 million annually.
Africa Has a New Islamic State. Or Does It?
The Gambia’s president has declared it so. Not everyone is convinced.
The People in Christians' Blind Spots
Sociologist Bradley Wright studies implicit racial bias in a Christianity Today cover story.
What Wheaton, Hawkins, and Others Said at Public Reconciliation Attempt
(UPDATED) Ryken: We are 'trusting as a campus for God to restore what's been lost.' Hawkins: 'Embodied solidarity continues its journey.'
What to Give Up for Lent 2016? Consider Twitter's Top Ideas
(UPDATED) Here's the final tally of the top 100 choices of 2016, plus charts on how Lenten abstinence has changed over time.
Pastor of China's Largest Church Jailed for Protesting Removal of 1,500 Crosses
Christian unity growing as government-approved churches no longer immune from persecution.
British Evangelicals Worried about Sunday School, Youth Group Raids
Plans to regulate extremist Muslim madrassas would also affect youth ministry, warns EAUK.
Morocco Declaration: Muslim Nations Should Protect Christians from Persecution
In Marrakesh, hundreds of Muslim leaders release modern update to Muhammad’s Charter of Medina.
Here's How 770 Pastors Describe Their Struggle with Porn
More than half have wrestled with it, but less than 1 percent recommend telling their congregation.
Wheaton Faculty Council Unanimously Asks College To Keep Larycia Hawkins
(UPDATED) 78 Wheaton professors affirm Hawkins's theology. Diversity committee raises discrimination concerns.
The Week the Sun Reached Out and Touched Us
The Carrington Flare happened at the last moment humanity could collectively appreciate it.
What Can the #BlackLivesMatter and Pro-Life Movements Learn from Each Other?
Michelle Higgins, Al Mohler, John Perkins, and other evangelical leaders weigh in.
Kenya Puts Rules to Rein In Prosperity Preachers on Pause
Widespread protests prompt president to send proposed regulations back to the drawing board.