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The Problem with Christians Doing the 'Harlem Shake'
Some advice for the church: Think before you click.
What People Gave Up for Lent 2013 (According to Twitter)
The final results are in. Whatever happened to giving up chocolate?
Rubio's State of the Union Response Heavy on Religion
President Obama: Americans ‘made’ to look out for each other
What the Benedict Papacy Meant for Women
Communication is key to the pope's legacy
Obama's Faith Advisor Joshua DuBois Steps Down
(UPDATED) DuBois leaves the White House to write a book of devotionals and start a new organization for church partnerships.
Female Heroes in a New Kind of Combat
Military women already serve and sacrifice in today's wars.
Inauguration Roundup: Driscoll Questions President's Faith, Andy Stanley Calls Obama 'Pastor in Chief'
Louie Giglio drew the most headlines for his absence, but fellow Atlanta-area pastor Andy Stanley played a key role.