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Southern Baptists Approve Major Investigation Into Abuse Response
Pastors speaking on behalf of victims pushed for a task force to direct inquiry into the Executive Committee.
Southern Baptists Elect Ed Litton as New President
The Alabama pastor, known for his inclusion of women and work on racial justice, beat out Mike Stone of the Conservative Baptist Network in a runoff.
Southern Baptists Take Sides Ahead of Nashville Meeting
A recent call to investigate the Executive Committee over abuse responses is the latest issue up for debate. Opposing factions in the SBC both say its future is at stake.
China Sanctions Evangelical Leader Who Called Out Religious Freedom Violations
Johnnie Moore, an outgoing USCIRF commissioner, spoke up to ask governments to stop ignoring Chinese treatment of Uyghur Muslims, Christians, and Tibetan Buddhists.
Southern Baptists Prep for Biggest Convention in 24 Years
President J. D. Greear calls for prayers for gospel unity ahead of the Nashville gathering.
Southern Baptist Church Planting Up in 2020, But Baptisms Plunge by Half
The pandemic accelerates more than a decade of decline for the denomination.
Is It Discrimination or ‘Do No Harm’? Christian Doctors Gear Up for Transgender Debates
As HHS challenges continue to play out in court, the Christian Medical and Dental Associations provides a more robust position statement on treating patients with gender dysphoria.
White Evangelical Pastors Hesitant to Preach Vaccines
Advocates say more subtle approaches and one-on-one engagement may actually do more to inform the unvaccinated without further dividing the faithful.
Christians ‘Pray the News’ in a Year of Doomscrolling
Ministries offer tips for how to give heartbreaking headlines over to God.
Back Without a Bang: Returning to Church Won’t Be the Celebration We Once Imagined
Instead of a big party, reopenings bring mixed emotions and a call to everyday faithfulness.
Why Defining Gossip Matters in the Church’s Response to Abuse
Have we tamed the tongue too much? Christians work to recover a biblical understanding of harmful hearsay vs. healthy criticism.
Ashes to Ashes: How St. Vincent Churches Keep Hope After Recent Volcanic Eruption
Water and supplies from ministry partners represent the gospel in action during the biggest disaster on the island in a generation.
Black Millennials and Gen Z Becoming More Cynical Toward Christian Identity
A generational gap in affiliation is growing among America’s most devout demographic.
Police Block and Barricade Canadian Church Over COVID-19 Violations
The pastor of the Alberta congregation recently spent a month in jail for repeated refusals to comply.
InterVarsity Wins Suit Against Wayne State
UPDATE: University’s nondiscrimination policy unconstitutionally discriminated against the campus ministry.
Wall Street Crisis Could Cost Evangelical Orgs
The CEO of Archegos Capital, now making financial headlines for risky trading, is also known for his generous commitment to Christian ministries.
Kanakuk Kamps Abuse Reexamined In New Report
Eleven years later, an investigation by David and Nancy French plus a site for victims try to grasp the extent of predatory behavior by a longtime camp director.
Will Easter Resurrect Pandemic Church Attendance? Depends on Your Tradition.
More than half of evangelicals will be back in person, but most Catholics and black and mainline Protestants are still waiting to return.
Beth Moore Inspired Scores of Southern Baptist Women. They Don’t Blame Her for Leaving.
Fellow female SBC leaders pray her departure leads to some soul-searching within the divided denomination.
Prison Fellowship Sells Colson’s Campus to Alliance Defending Freedom
COVID-19 accelerates ministry moves and shifts work arrangements.