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When You Are Persecuted in One Place, Flee to Another. But Not to America.
Both US policy and Middle East wisdom discourage suffering Christians from resettling in the West.
Will US Genocide Resolution Satisfy Armenian Christians?
The Middle East diaspora appreciates the House’s recognition at last. But what they really want is repentance.
There’s No One Christian View on Turks and Kurds
Middle East believers say the enemies of their enemies are not necessarily their friends.
Christians Defend Cultural Heritage in Muslim-Majority Countries
In areas where minority faiths have carved out a peaceful coexistence, are governments willing to honor the full history also?
Syrian Christians Brave Insecurity to Stay Behind and Help
Preemptive Love’s Jeremy Courtney says despite the Turkey deal, “This crisis shows no sign of letting up, and we can’t either.”
Christians Killed on Syria’s Front Lines
While Trump defends US withdrawal, advocates fear “Turkey will complete the work that ISIS tried to do, in eradicating Christians from this region.”
Jordanian Evangelicals Push for Official Recognition
Government status would help streamline outreach and foreign partnerships—and alleviate some outside concerns about their churches.
Syrian Christians to US: ‘Don’t Abandon Us Now’
After surviving a civil war and ISIS attacks, the Christian minority fears a Turkish takeover in Kurdish border region.
Duke-UNC Middle East Studies Center Flagged for Anti-Christian Bias
The Department of Education called out the program for sidelining non-Muslim faiths—but even Christians wonder whether the feds should oversee college curricula.
In UN Speech, Trump Announces New Religious Freedom Initiatives
Cheering US faith principles, the president pledges new funds and business support to curb persecution.
Evangelicals Who Distrust Muslims Likely Don’t Know Muslims
A 2019 survey shows how relationships curb Islamophobia and improve understanding between the two faiths.
When Islam Is Not a Religion in America
Muslim lawyer who helped Hobby Lobby and Hosanna-Tabor win at the Supreme Court details the difficulties Muslims face in securing the freedoms that US Christians demand.
From DC to Mecca, Should ‘Human Dignity’ Be the New ‘Religious Freedom’?
Shift in human rights language could allow for greater acceptance in the Muslim world.
Why Muslims Love Mary
Followers of Islam admire the mother of Jesus. But can she be a bridge to Christianity?
Should Christians Praise Partial Religious Freedom?
Does good press lead to greater gains in the Muslim world? Or merely cover a multitude of sins?
Sri Lankan Sunday School Was ‘Willing to Die for Christ’ on Easter. Half Did.
Amid funerals and fears after ISIS-linked attacks, Christian leaders across the island explain how they are guiding the faithful on mourning and Muslims.
Pew: US Christians Like the Israeli and Palestinian People More Than Their Governments
(UPDATED) American evangelicals are more likely than American Jews (67% vs. 47%) to say Trump is “striking the right balance” on Israel.
How Palestine Divides Messianic Jews
The complexity of the situation even presents a challenge to Jewish Christian unity.
Arab Spring Again? Christians in Sudan and Algeria Cheer Regime Changes
Historic confessions escape an Islamist, while Muslim converts pray for reform.
Will Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ on Israel-Palestine Please Evangelicals?
CT asked 11 leaders in US and Middle East to assess the red lines of a peace plan, expected soon after Netanyahu’s coalition wins election.