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Doers of the Word
The Amsterdam Declaration illustrates how far evangelicals have come in 26 years—especially in putting ideas into practice.
The Christian Divorce Culture
We're not sending a strong enough signal that divorce is a sin.
Walking in the Truth
Winning arguments at church conventions is not enough without compassion for homosexuals.
Do Good Fences Make Good Baptists?
The SBC's new Faith and Message brings needed clarity—but maybe at the cost of honest diversity.
Trading on Faith in China
Open trade with China will open ministry opportunities. But will human rights improve?
Hit the Wall and Keep Going
Engagement with the culture has always required a steady, confident perseverance by Christians.
Thus Spoke Superman
Troubling language frames the stem-cell debate
We’ve Got Porn
Online smut is taking its toll on Christians. What is the church doing about it?
Let’s Pray, Then Play
Piety in public may help students understand America's religious diversity.
Crushing Debt
Third World debt is as vicious as the slave trade.
Just Married?
God makes marriage a sacred invasion of privacy.
Bob Jones Rules
In his rationale for dropping his school's ban on interracial dating, Bob Jones III may have changed the fundamentalist movement.
God Ble$$ America
The rising economic tide floats all yachts. How should Christians help everyone else?
Confronting Sudan
Western Christians and governments should press Khartoum on multiple fronts.
Hang Ten?
Thou shalt avoid Ten Commandments tokenism.
Bombs Continue to Fall on Ministry Hospitals in Sudan
Samaritan's Purse hit for fourth time, two killed in Voice of the Martyrs bombing
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
An introduction to The Gospel of Jesus Christ: An Evangelical Celebration.
Why We Like Harry Potter
The series is a 'Book of Virtues' with a preadolescent funny bone.
Christmas and the Modern Jew
Christians often seem to lack both good missionary strategies toward Jews and sensitivity to their situation in life
Justified By Works
Yes, we are justified by works. But it's whose works that's important.