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Which Version Should We Use?
What we said when the NIV was first published.
Outpaced by Islam?
The Muslim challenge is growing faster than our Christian outreach
Bad Priorities Can Kill
"In churches where missions is a program, it is the first thing cut in hard times"
A Secularist Jihad
Fundamentalist has become a rhetorical weapon of mass destruction
Free China’s Church
"The Communist country may ease some religious restrictions, but they still want an apolitical church."
Rally Round the Flag
America may not be God's chosen nation, but it does have a mission that churches can support
Blame Game
Seeking mercy is a better response to 9/11 than seeking meaning
Shaking Hands with Thugs
Sometimes setting aside human rights is the way to ensure their ultimate victory.
Dismantling the Salvation Army
In maintaining integrity, Salvationists got the Boy Scout treatment
Two Cheers
President Bush's stem-cell decision is better than the fatal cure many sought
Aslan Is Still on the Move
There's too little evidence to prove that anyone is 'de-Christianizing' C.S. Lewis.
Good News Indeed
How many times must the Supreme Court tell schools not to exclude faith groups?
If It's Too Good to Be True...
A dose of skepticism is okay even with fellow Christians
Billy Graham’s Soulmate
T. W. Wilson exemplified the sacrificial spirit that makes team ministry work.
When a Spouse Converts
Recent headlines imply that being born again leads to divorce. Not quite.
When a Spouse Converts
Recent headlines imply that being born again leads to divorce. Not quite.
Billy Graham’s Soulmate
T. W. Wilson exemplified the sacrificial spirit that makes team ministry work.
Is Patriotism Dead?
The day that patriotism ceases, that day we will have ceased to be a people.
Wild Child: How Bad Is Child Care for Kids?
Is daycare preparing toddlers to become bullies?
Invalidating Valedictorians
It's time to let high school seniors into our democracy