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Learning from Fools
The safe thing to do with power and possessions.
It's Not About Power
A unique and proven strategy for changing society.
Let's Do the Mash
The Who Boys, the Beastles, and the Bible.
God the Economist
John Polkinghorne's Trinitarian reality.
Environmental Wager
Why evangelicals are—but shouldn't be—cool toward global warming.
Literacy is not the only necessity in a visual culture.
Compliant but Confused
Unpacking some myths about today's teens.
Grace's Third Way
The Gospel According to ...
... Charlie Brown, Tony Soprano, and other unlikely spiritual guides
When Backward Is Forward
Christmas may be the best argument against genetic enhancement.
The Emergent Mystique
The 'emerging church' movement has generated a lot of excitement but only a handful of congregations. Is it the wave of the future or a passing fancy?
Salt-and-Pepper Politics
Choosing between candidates whose consciences are too clean.
Omit Unnecessary Words
On the trail of faith and writing.
The Cruel Edges of the World
There are some places that bring the distant biblical text closer to our lives.
Pilgrims to Nowhere
Freedom isn't much good if you don't have a sense of direction.
Wow! Sweet!
The pleasures of a Mini Cooper, and other adventures in technology on a human scale.
Glittering Images
A profound Christian rethinking of power is overdue.
Eating the Supper of the Lamb in a Cool Whip Society
Albert Borgmann's post-technological feast.
Before the Deluge
All of us have a sexual orientation that bends toward the self
Campus Collisions
Why InterVarsity Christian Fellowship was derecognized at some of America's leading universities