
Harnessing the Power of Europe’s Migrant Churches
A seminary professor from Sierra Leone shares how African arrivals are changing the church in Belgium and the rest of the continent.
Let’s Not Give Up Meetings on the Church Calendar
What if we ordered our habitual gatherings around Christ and the gospel story more than twice a year?
Metaphors Have a Power That’s More Than Metaphorical
Joy Clarkson peels back the veil of overfamiliarity from commonplace expressions and images.
The Sentence from C.S. Lewis That Could Change Your Life
Aslan is fictional, but the real Lion of Judah reminds us that we’re forgiven.
Fractured Are the Peacemakers
A Christian reconciliation group in Israel and Palestine warned that war would come. Now the war threatens their relevance.
I Wanted a Bigger God Than My Hindu Guru Offered
As my doubts about his teachings grew, so did a secret fascination with Jesus.
Churches Shouldn’t Outsource Apologetics to Slick Conferences
When it comes to defending the faith, local congregations have long been the first line of defense.
She Wrote Love Stories. Then Her Marriage Ended.
How a romance author journeyed with God through an unwanted divorce.
Confronting the 21st-Century Church with the First-Century Church
Nijay Gupta helps us rediscover the compelling strangeness of the earliest Christians.
O Ye of Overconfident Faith
Like the disciples, we need to learn the difference between trust in Jesus and spiritual cockiness.
Why Your Favorite Theologians Are All Talking about Theological Anthropology
Attention to bodies and cultural conflict has brought attention to the question of what it means to be human.
What Kind of Man Is This?
We’ve got little information on Jesus’ appearance and personality. But that’s the way God designed it.
The First Apostle’s Unlikely Witness
Mary Magdalene was a recipient of grace with a story to proclaim.
Will ‘Complementarianism’ Survive?
I want to continue to call myself a complementarian. But we need to reclaim the term.
Egalitarianism Is More Than a PR Statement
Are churches moving to an egalitarian model truly embracing female leadership?
Complementarian at Home, Egalitarian at Church? Paul Would Approve.
The biggest New Testament passages on gender roles may have more to do with marriage than ministry.
Gender Roles Beyond the Western Church
Scott W. Sunquist calls the American church to observe the diversity in ecclesiologies around the world.
Our Gender on Earth as In Heaven
Will our gender be removed or renewed in the Resurrection?
The Body of Christ Cannot Be Mummified
An oft-forgotten mummy in Scripture teaches us how idolatry deadens, but Jesus awakens.
Single Christians Have Common Needs—the Same Needs All Christians Have
Anna Broadway’s survey of global singleness challenges a marriage status hierarchy within the church.

Top Story July 27, 2024

Kamala Harris Against History
Kamala Harris Against History
The candidate's "unburdened by what has been" and "coconut tree" lines push her party toward a troubling partisan divide over the past itself.

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