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Fé é mais do que sentimento, mas não menos
A vida de discípulo exige não só crenças e ações corretas, mas também paixões corretas.
A verdadeira mudança é uma questão do coração
O evangelho cristão deve transformar todo o nosso ser — tanto as emoções quanto os pensamentos.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 65|31min
Losing Our Religion: Revival with Jackie Hill Perry
The writer, artist, and poet says God’s love is dependent on God’s holiness.
통일에 무관심한 한국의 젊은 그리스도인들
“평생 교회에서 남북한 통일이나 평화에 대해 이야기하는 것을 들어본 적이 없다.”
Don’t Let the ‘Back-to-School Rush’ Diminish Your Humanity
Whenever we enter a new season of life, we must care for our souls in the process.
The Surprising Staying Power of Dispensationalism
As a school of theology, it’s in decline. As a cultural and political force, it’s more influential than ever.
Comedian Leanne Morgan Says God Wants Us to Laugh
With her Southern accent, self-deprecation, and funny family stories, the 57-year-old mom and grandmother wants to use standup to bless audiences.
A ‘Stubborn’ Child, She Became a Missionary to Those Stereotyped as Such.
How Florida's Brenda Carter decided to spend 30 years of her life serving the Hakka people in Taiwan.
After Another Kidnapping, Many Haitian Christians Can’t Travel, Work, or Worship Safely
The threat of gang violence around Port-au-Prince continues to disrupt ministry.
기독교인들이 ChatGPT를 통해 하나님에 대해 묻고 있다. 이것은 구글 검색과 다를까?
전 세계 전문가들이 인터넷 안팎에서 AI 혁명이 신도들에게 가져올 결과에 관해 설명한다.
Di Indonesia, Kulit Putih Diagungkan. Beberapa Orang Kristen Menolak.
Terlepas dari colorism (diskriminasi berdasarkan warna kulit) yang mengakar dalam masyarakat, orang percaya menunjukkan bagaimana Alkitab mendefinisikan kembali harga diri seorang wanita.
What If Churches Ask for More and No One Says Yes?
Jake Meador has a provocative proposal for reversing dechurching. But it may not be that simple.
Britain’s ‘Soul Survivor’ Generation Grapples with Mike Pilavachi Scandal
Amid an investigation, Christians are wondering: Did a popular youth leader’s “vulnerability and self-deprecation” avert skepticism and accountability?
Turkish Christians Turn to Tabitha for Earthquake Relief—and Resurrection
Six months after disaster, the biblical Dorcas raised from the dead by Peter inspires Protestant generosity—just as she modeled for the early church.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Pushpay
A Pastor’s Guide to Crisis Management
Technology bridges the gap between chaos and connection.
The Bulletin Episode 35|58min
Pink Trips, Flaming Lips, Legal Tips
Trump’s third indictment, the Barbie movie, and new action on the CCM charts.

Top Story July 30, 2024

O Say Can You See God in These 5 National Anthems?
O Say Can You See God in These 5 National Anthems?
At the Paris Olympics, songs from South Africa to Peru will call for divine protection and blessing.

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