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It’s Eden Somewhere
The late Jimmy Buffett’s songs and the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien both long for a home just beyond reach.
Singleness Is Not a Sin
But in Scripture, church history, and singles’ own accounts of their lives, it’s usually not a good thing, either.
Christian Politician Awaits Finnish Court’s Verdict on Hate Speech Charges—Again
Päivi Räsänen says quoting the Bible should not be a crime in a democracy.
The Bulletin Episode 40|37min
When Will We Ever Learn?
Concerts get wild, ChatGPT goes to school, and how old is too old to lead?
The People of Dog: Christians Own More Canines Than Cats
“I think there's a theological argument there that we're doing what God designed us to do by taking care of animals.”
Jesús me salvó el día de mi funeral
Estaba listo para mi entierro cuando Jesús me dio la misión de proclamar su nombre.
How the Grand Canyon of China Became a Christian Land
British missionary James O. Fraser overcame depression to help give the Lisu a written language, translate the Bible, and make them renowned hymn singers.
Pastors, There’s a Ministry in Staying Put
One of the best gifts you can give your church is not leaving too soon.
Viral JesusEpisode 79|46min
When Did White People Become White People?
TikTok professor Garrison Hayes opens our “Disrupting American gods” series with a brief history of race, racism, and identity politics.
Investigation: Mike Pilavachi ‘Used Spiritual Authority to Control People’
The Church of England concluded that the Soul Survivor founder engaged in spiritual abuse over four decades.
From Dust to Lunch: Jordanian Christians Decry Cost of Funeral Feast
Tribal hospitality demands feeding the 500. But believers pinched by poverty call for cultural changes that still preserve honor.
من الغبار إلى الغداء: المسيحيون الأردنيون يشكون كلفة وليمة الجنازة
تتطلب الضيافة القبلية إطعام 500 شخص. لكن المؤمنين الذين يعانون من الفقر يطالبون بتغييرات ثقافية لا تزال تحافظ على الشرف.
Parei de frequentar a igreja por três anos
Minha solidão espiritual me trouxe de volta.
All the Lonely People in the Building
Hulu’s whodunit is stubbornly pro-community in an isolated age.

Top Story July 29, 2024

What Wrestling Taught an Olympic Gold Medalist About God
What Wrestling Taught an Olympic Gold Medalist About God
As he prepares for the Paris Olympics, wrestler Kyle Snyder talks about how faith helped him loosen up and love his teammates.

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