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50 Negara Tersulit bagi Pengikut Yesus di tahun 2024
Laporan terbaru mengenai penganiayaan terhadap umat Kristen mencatat meningkatnya bahaya yang ditimbulkan oleh militan Islam dan rezim otokratis, dari Nigeria hingga Nikaragua.
Os 50 países onde é mais difícil seguir a Jesus em 2024
O último relatório sobre a perseguição a cristãos fala do perigo crescente dos militantes islâmicos e dos regimes autocráticos, da Nigéria à Nicarágua.
The 50 Countries Where It’s Hardest to Follow Jesus in 2024
Latest report on Christian persecution chronicles the rising danger of Islamic militants and autocratic regimes, from Nigeria to Nicaragua.
50 دولة يصعب فيها اتباع يسوع في عام 2024
أحدث تقرير عن اضطهاد المسيحيين يسجل الخطر المتزايد من المتشددين الإسلاميين والأنظمة الاستبدادية، من نيجيريا إلى نيكاراغوا.
Not as Those Who Have No Hope
End-of-life decisions are wrenching and ever more medically complex, but we can honor both God and our loved ones as death nears.
50 стран, в которых труднее всего следовать за Иисусом в 2024 году
Последний отчет о преследованиях христиан свидетельствует о растущей опасности со стороны исламских боевиков и автократических режимов в ряде стран, от Нигерии до Никарагуа.
I 50 paesi dove è più difficile seguire Gesù nel 2024
L’ultimo rapporto sulla persecuzione cristiana racconta il pericolo crescente dei militanti islamici e dei regimi autocratici, dalla Nigeria al Nicaragua.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 88|40min
Tender Questions on Parenting, Adoption, and Sexuality
Russell and producer Ashley Hales respond to listeners.
Xi Jinping Is Not Trying to Make Christianity More Chinese
The primary goal of Zhongguo hua is not cultural assimilation but political domestication. Yet I’m more confident than ever that house churches will survive.
Haley and DeSantis Set Their Sights on Surviving
On the heels of a disappointing showing in Iowa, Trump’s rivals are in the make-or-break weeks of their campaigns.
Holy CuriosityEpisode 0|3min
Trailer: Holy Curiosity
Kat Armstrong hosts this new podcast highlighting the genius storytelling of God.
Spiritual Formation Is Becoming Like Jesus
Our new year’s resolutions won’t get very far if we neglect the object of our transfiguration.
The Philippines’ Top 10 Bible Verses
Leaders reflect on what YouVersion’s list of the most-shared Scriptures in their nation includes—and misses.
Soong Mei-Ling: A Christian First Lady
Throughout political turmoil, Soong Mei-ling remained steadfast in her Christian nationalist beliefs and supported spreading the gospel in China and Taiwan.
Easter in the Everyday: Easter Devotional 2024
Distribute digital copies to your congregation!
T. D. Jakes Keeps Preaching Revival After Shooting Down Rumors
Followers continue to flock to the prosperity gospel minister even after his A-list connections spawned recent scrutiny.
L’Azerbaïdjan ajouté à la liste américaine des contrevenants à la liberté de religion
L’inclusion de la nation islamique — le seul changement apporté par le département d’État américain cette année — est-elle motivée par la façon dont celle-ci traite les chrétiens, les musulmans ou les Arméniens déplacés de l’enclave de l’Artsakh ?

Top Story July 24, 2024

He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
Most ministers were silent about Watergate. Why was one evangelical pastor different?

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