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Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.
‘상호주의’는 이 시대에 살아남을 수 있을까?
나는 스스로를 상호주의자라 부른다. 하지만 이제 그 용어를 다시 정리해야 할 때이다.
Біблійні роздуми з воєнного щоденника українського богослова
Захід втрачає інтерес до російського вторгнення, але щоденні роздуми керівника євангельської семінарії нагадують читачам про те, що для українських християн, які нікуди не поїхали та несуть своє служіння, війна триває.
Библейские размышления из военного дневника украинского богослова
Запад теряет интерес к российскому вторжению, но ежедневные размышления руководителя евангельской семинарии напоминают читателям о том, что для украинских христиан, которые никуда не уехали и несут свое служение, война продолжается.
Trump’s Would-Be Assassin and the Twisted Quest for Human Glory
Political violence offers a false sense of meaning. The church must model a different kind of glory.
불교는 수십 년 전에 주류가 되었지만 미국 교회는 아직 준비되지 않았다.
기독교인들이 아시아 이민자들이 미국으로 가져온 종교에 대해 배워야 하는 이유
‘We Praise You That Trump Is Gonna Be All Right’
Evangelicals respond to the apparent assassination attempt at the former president’s campaign rally in Pennsylvania.
Exvicepresidente de Disney busca traducir ‘The Chosen’ a 600 idiomas
Rick Dempsey relata cómo está aplicando décadas de experiencia en localización a la serie «Los elegidos»
Sou evangélico e tenho filhos LGBTQ. E agora?
Minha teologia é totalmente ortodoxa. Mas preciso da ajuda de outros cristãos para lidar com questões práticas no relacionamento com meus filhos.
The Bulletin Episode 91|43min
One-on-One with Frank Bruni
The New York Times columnist talks about his new book on grievance and how to talk across differences.
One Body, Many Denominational Meetings
Our anxiety over church factions should lead us to dependence on Christ.
Our Old Leaders Won’t Walk Away, and That’s About More Than Politics
What the presidential debate and its aftermath should tell us about our culture of geriatric childishness.
Former UK Evangelical Leader Charged with Sexual Assault
Retired minister Jonathan Fletcher goes to court following major church investigation.
Sí, el carisma tiene un lugar en el púlpito
Pero no lo confundamos con un llamado.
Why We’re Weird for Thinking That Tim Scott Is Weird
The politician’s public commitment to abstinence has made him an outlier in a sex-obsessed culture. But is the church any friendlier to older single men?
The Precarious Position of India’s Christians—and Its Democracy
Lawyer and author P. I. Jose discusses the growing influence of Hindutva ideology and its threat to India’s constitutional order.
Catholic Miracle Stories Should Take Us Outside Our Protestant Comfort Zones
Even when they strain credulity, they can challenge our assumptions about popular piety and the limits of the possible.
Evangelical Presbyterians Take on Debate Over Celibate Gay Pastors
As it brings in churches from mainline and conservative Presbyterian denominations, the EPC feels the tension in compromise.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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