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Chilean Church Seeks ‘Spiritual Reconstruction’ After Deadly Fires
Multiple blazes torched at least eight evangelical churches, as pastors grieve and bury the dead.
The Baptist Pastor Turned Senator Behind This Week’s Failed Border Bill
After Republicans greenlit—then spiked—a bipartisan deal, evangelicals are still waiting for a solution to address the migrant crisis.
Cómo los cristianos llegaron al centro de los conflictos indígenas en Chile
Los atentados de los mapuches contra el gobierno y las empresas ecologistas han incluido también incendios provocados contra numerosas iglesias.
Family, Dumplings, and Jesus? Christians Navigate Mongolian New Year
Believers are learning how to celebrate and evangelize amid Tsagaan Sar's Buddhism-infused rituals.
Être aimants auprès de ceux qui meurent
Les décisions concernant la fin de vie sont déchirantes et médicalement de plus en plus complexes. Comment honorer à la fois Dieu et nos proches ?
Le sabbat n’est pas un produit de luxe.
Dieu a sanctifié le repos hebdomadaire pour tous, et pas seulement pour les plus économiquement stables.
What Toby Keith Taught Us About the Songs We Need
Angry Christians require angry songs—or better yet, angry psalms.
Died: Joel Belz, Founder of World Magazine
A “newspaper man at heart,” he believed Christians needed “sound journalism, grounded in facts and biblical truth.”
Holy CuriosityEpisode 03|47min
Shechem, Part 3: Shechem in the Bible with Tim Mackie of the Bible Project
This week's episode discusses the significance of Shechem for ancient and modern bible readers.
Mike Bickle Accused of Abusing a 14-Year-Old Before IHOPKC’s Founding
The Kansas City–based prayer ministry extended an apology and called for repentance after another victim came forward.
Tucker Carlson Interviewed Putin. Ukraine’s Evangelicals Explain More.
Following the former Fox News host’s attempt to probe the Russian president’s religious mindset, CT highlights the accumulated perspectives of local Christian leaders since the war began.
Promised LandEpisode 2|1 hr
Promised Land: The Zionist Story
The roots, identity, and inspiration of Zionism.
Сі Цзіньпін не намагається зробити християнство більш китайським
Основною метою Чжунго Хуа є не культурна асиміляція, а політичне одомашнення. Проте я як ніколи впевнений, що домашні церкви виживуть.
Си Цзиньпин не пытается сделать христианство более китайским
Основной целью Чжунго Хуа является не культурная ассимиляция, а политическое одомашнивание. Однако я как никогда уверен, что домашние церкви выживут.
Super Bowl Gambling Grows, But Pastors Are on the Sidelines
A surge in betting on the Vegas-based game between Kansas City and San Francisco has not pushed church leaders to speak about the issue.
Reading the Old Testament Through Ancient Egyptian Eyes
Learning about the land of Pharaoh helps us understand the people of Israel in their context.
The Cross Is Poetically Profound. But Prose Can Help Us See It Clearly.
Brian Zahnd’s meditation on cruciformity is theologically rich, but sometimes theologically risky.
The Selfish Ambition of Our Immigration Debate
Migrants, border states, and sanctuary cities alike are suffering because of our leaders’ spiteful rivalries.

Top Story July 23, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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