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Por que defender sua fé, se você vive no continente mais cristão do mundo?
O livro Apologetics in Africa [Apologética na África] oferece recursos para crentes e céticos de um contexto em que a igreja continua, em grande parte, despreparada para responder aos ataques à sua fé.
The Bulletin Episode 83|57min
Clergy on the Rocks
AI priests, a polarized church, and women and alcohol.
“Venham a mim os cristãos culturais”
O mundo está percebendo outra vez os benefícios tangíveis da nossa fé. E esta é uma oportunidade para o evangelho.
«Я знав, що мені дорого обійдеться моя віра»: відсидівши сім років у китайській в’язниці, місіонер нарешті вийшов на волю
Джон Саньцян Цао розповідає, як переписані вручну біблійні вірші, молитва та любов матері підтримували його під час ув’язнення.
«Я знал, что мне дорого обойдется моя вера»: отсидев семь лет в китайской тюрьме, миссионер наконец-то вышел на свободу
Джон Саньцян Цао рассказывает, как переписанные вручную библейские стихи, молитва и любовь матери поддерживали его во время заключения.
A igreja na era dos transtornos mentais
De que modo lidamos com problemas como ansiedade e depressão e o que podemos fazer para melhorar no cuidado das pessoas.
Police Officers Are Burning Out. Can Chaplains Help?
Spiritual care is essential as stressors among law enforcement rise.
Apologética cristiana en el metamodernismo
En un ambiente cultural que ha dejado atrás el posmodernismo, esta disciplina debe evolucionar para que podamos conectar con las próximas generaciones.
The Caregiving Boom Needs Spiritual Support
By calling or circumstance, millions in the “sandwich generation” feel the weight and cost of tending to aging relatives.
Tidak Ada yang Namanya ‘Ruang Aman’
Budaya kita menghargai perlindungan diri. Namun kasih sejati menuntut kita untuk saling mendekat.
The Miracle of the Ear
Speech was not God’s only miracle at Pentecost. The Spirit also gave the gift of understanding, overcoming division and contempt.
Je ne voulais pas un bébé. Je voulais ce bébé.
Faire le deuil d’une fausse couche nécessite de reconnaître la spécificité de la vie qui s’en est allée.
The Sustaining Breath of God
As a physician, I witness countless first and last breaths. As a Christian, I am constantly reminded of how God breathes life into us through his Spirit.
Died: KODA, the Ghanaian Gospel Star Who Sang Hits Rebuking Pastors
The highlife musician challenged the materialism and extortion he encountered too often in the church.
Viral JesusEpisode 121|50min
J.S. Park: As Long as You Need
Heather and J.S. Park discuss why your grief needs to be shared.
Would Tim Keller Care If We Weren’t Still Talking About Him? Probably Not.
For all his greatness, we should most seek to imitate the late pastor’s humility and indifference to fame.
Father's Day Sub Sale '24
Save 25% on gift subscriptions today!
Pascal Is More Than His Most Famous Argument
The wager only scratches the surface of his relevance to a post-Christian era.

Top Story July 17, 2024

CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
How the look and feel of the magazine have changed with the times.

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