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My Coparent in Heaven
As a single parent, I’m responsible for a job I’m not strong enough to navigate by myself. Prayer reminds me that I’m not on my own.
Post Without Ceasing? How Social Media Reshapes Our Prayer Lives
Interceding on Instagram may seem like a uniquely 21st-century phenomenon, but Christians in the first century were already praying at a distance.
In Prayer, We Are Fully Seen and Fully Known
How intimacy with God fuels Meg Baatz’s ministry among same-sex-attracted and LGBT peers.
How Doubt Helps Us Pray
Uncertainty can propel us toward God in humility and honesty.
Christ’s Prayers Can Transform Ours
When we look closely at how Jesus’ prayer life is depicted in Luke, we discover how essential prayer is for us.
Quotations on Prayer that Stir the Soul
Insights from Augustine, Teresa of Avila, Martin Luther, and more.
Да, Иисус говорил нам молиться втайне, но при этом Он молился и вместе со своими друзьями
Молитвы друг за друга в церкви являются крайне важной составляющей христианской жизни.
«Id y haced discípulos». Pero primero, detengámonos.
El primer paso crucial del ministerio comienza con el Espíritu Santo.
How Much Does Prayer Weigh?
Why scientists struggle to put this spiritual practice under the microscope.
It’s Okay to Let Your Mind Wander During Prayer
Those distractions aren’t failures of focus, but opportunities to trust God with the deepest truths of our hearts.
Deus não vai escrever no céu para falar com você
Nossos apelos desesperados por um sinal claro dos céus já podem ter sido respondidos.
Life’s Darkest Moments Call for Prayers We’d Never Choose to Pray
When words fail, says Tish Harrison Warren, we can rely on ancient liturgy to supply them.
20 prières supplémentaires face à la pandémie
Implorer Dieu est toujours le moyen le plus efficace de réagir en temps de crise.
Aprendizaje y creatividad: un llamado de Dios aun en tiempos de crisis
La pandemia no es excusa para descuidar el llamado de Dios a estudiar y aprender.
Mesmo em meio à crise, aprender nunca é perda de tempo.
A COVID-19 não é desculpa para negligenciar o chamado de Deus para estudar e aprender.
Sermon Prep in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
How the Trinity is reshaping my preaching.

Top Story June 18, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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