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The Early Church Thrived Amid Secularism and Shows How We Can, Too
The pre-Christendom church managed to avoid both isolationism and accommodationism. Their model gives us a map for post-Christendom challenges.
New England Cities Named Most ‘Post-Christian’
Barna’s rankings spur pastors in secularizing spots—in the Northeast and across the country—to continue working and praying for revival.
By the Power Vested in Me by God Or the Internet: The Fight Over Online Ordinations
With lay officiants on the rise, Tennessee’s ban spurs religious freedom challenge.
Quick To ListenEpisode 158|1 hr 3min
France Loves Notre Dame. Do They Still Believe the Faith That Inspired It?
The plethora of challenges confronting the faithful after a long and bitter divorce between church and state.
Fitness Trackers, Dating Apps, and Other Ladders to Nowhere
Why secular substitutes for religion will always leave us exhausted and unhappy.
The Most Effective Response to Poverty? Worshipping the True God
Even more than better systems and better policies, we need better theology.
The Culture Wars Are Ancient History
Today’s fights over the religion in the public square are replays of fights from two thousand years ago.
Reading The Jesus Storybook Bible in Iceland
In the world’s most bookish country, evangelicals are taking up the ministry of translation.
3 Reasons Upcoming Cultural Changes Will Hit The Bible Belt Especially Hard – And What To Do About It
If you've never lived outside a predominantly Christian culture, the next few decades will continue to rock your world. But there is hope.
Europe’s Big Mission Field: Nominals
How do you persuade someone who already thinks they’re a Christian to become one?
How to Witness to a Distracted World
Effective Christian evangelism and discipleship requires us to be disruptive.
Can Preachers Make an Impact in a Post-Christian World?
Herman Bavinck’s advice to 19th century pastors still holds true today.
Quick To ListenEpisode 116|45min
How Charles Taylor Helps Us Understand Our Secular Age
Why the work of Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor is influencing so many Christian thinkers.
What Young Adults in 100 Countries Think of Religion
Despite age gaps, Pew Research uncovers a few places where the next generation is actually more devout than their parents and grandparents.
Western Europe’s Christians Are As Religious As America’s ‘Nones’
However, Pew researchers find Christianity across 15 countries is “not just a ‘nominal’ identity devoid of practical importance.”
As a New Age Enthusiast, I Fancied Myself a Free Spirit and a Good Person
Then a strange dream, an old friend, and a disturbing psalm woke me up to reality.
Don’t Blame Martin Luther for the Evils of the Modern World
Brad Gregory follows the bouncing balls of post-Reformation history—but loses sight of who set them in motion.
The CallingEpisode 58|45min
Amena Brown: Art Doesn’t Need to Be ‘Churchy’ to Be Sacred
For the Atlanta-based spoken word poet, God shines best through art that feels human.
Breathing New Life into the Christian University
What would it look like if higher education were grounded in the worship, love, and study of God?
Let’s Save the University from Secular Privilege
The academy has lost its pluralism. Here’s how the church can help find it.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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