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A Farewell to Michelle Obama
No matter where you stand politically, the First Lady has something to offer the church.
Beth Moore: I Found God in ‘Deep Valleys and Difficulties’
The best-selling author and speaker talks about her past and her first-ever work of fiction.
Our Best on Responding to Conflict and Crisis
The best training tools to handle church conflict appropriately.
Jimmy Carter: Pursuing an Arc of Reconciliation
The former president has a new hope for racial justice—starting with the church.
The New Baptist Covenant: Will It Work?
Jimmy Carter's attempt to unite Baptists may be a bridge too far for some.
The Church at Its Racial Turning Point
Five ways forward after the recent tragic events.
The Burden and Promise of Racial Reconciliation
After Minnesota, Baton Rouge, and Dallas, can we transcend optimism or despair?
Becca Stevens
Her booming survivor-run enterprise supports women in recovery.
Shane Claiborne’s Passionate Plea Against the Death Penalty
The author and activist puts a human face on the capital punishment debate.
Where John Piper and Other Evangelicals Stand on Black Lives Matter
Stats on the racial reconciliation debate spanning from InterVarsity's Urbana conference to Russell Moore's NYT op-ed.
My Top 5 Books on the Black Experience in America
Pastor Bryan Loritts chooses 5 books to help evangelicals understand African-American hopes and anxieties.
Forgiveness: It's Not as Simple as It Sounds
Unpacking—and living—what the Bible really says
What Reconciliation Sounds Like
The first step in dealing with social conflict is to listen—really listen.
Dear Andy Stanley, Please Be the Small Church's Ally, Not Our Enemy
A plea from the 90 percent about "that" sermon you preached.
How Should Christians Disagree? Messianic Jews and Palestinian Christians Try a New Model
Joint statement by believers in Israel and Palestine is a small but hopeful step toward peace.
If You're Voting for Trump, You Can Unfriend Me (But I Hope You Won't)
Take a deep breath and read the entire post before you comment. It’s not what you think.
What Wheaton, Hawkins, and Others Said at Public Reconciliation Attempt
(UPDATED) Ryken: We are 'trusting as a campus for God to restore what's been lost.' Hawkins: 'Embodied solidarity continues its journey.'
Racial Reconciliation Knows No Borders
How I came to see the church’s prophetic work on race as a global issue.
Redeeming the Race Discussion
Brenda Salter McNeil on what it will take for our nation to heal
AJ Sherrill: Sacred Ordinariness
The ministry of reconciliation is not just for the elite.

Top Story June 25, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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