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The Jesus We'll Never Know
Why scholarly attempts to discover the 'real' Jesus have failed. And why that's a good thing.
Preach. The. Word.
Still, says Charles Swindoll, the best sermons are wrapped in stories.
The Evolution of Sin
Old Testament professor Gary Anderson explains how sin came to be seen as a debt rather than a weight—and how that shaped Christianity.
Jesus and the Unclean Woman
How a story in Mark's gospel sheds light on the problem of obstetric fistula.
Who Was Jesus’ Grandfather?
What the two genealogies of Christ, found in Matthew and Luke, are really trying to say.
'All Israel Will Be Saved'
God's 'first love' awaits Jesus' second advent.
A Pretty Good Religion
Be wary of anyone who starts praising Christianity.
We've Won the Lottery—Now What?
The meaning of evangelical scandals—including our own.
Obama Uses Sermon on the Mount to Elevate Speeches
The president has used the mountainside sermon several times in recent years to explain policy.
Easter, Unedited
N. T. Wright says the Gospels' Resurrection accounts are odd because they are fresh.
God Is Love
Robert Yarbrough comments on the plainspoken Beloved Disciple.
Choosing Celibacy
How to stop thinking of singleness as a problem.
'Dead Sea Scrolls on Stone'
Prof says first-century tablet tells of messiah who will die and rise.
Surveying the Whole to See the Parts
Tom Schreiner's New Testament Theology searches for Scripture's unifying themes.
The Benefits of Brokenness
Why I sometimes wish I was an alcoholic.
Q&A: Daniel B. Wallace
On his organization's ancient New Testament manuscript haul in Albania.
The 8 Marks of a Robust Gospel
Reviving forgotten chapters in the story of redemption.
Two Testaments, One Story
Top evangelical scholars team up for landmark commentary on New Testament use of Old Testament.
This Samaritan Life
How to live in a culture that is vaguely suspicious of the church.
Singing in the Chains
To be saved means more than we might think.

Top Story June 28, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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