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Canadian Justice: You Can’t Block Lawyers over Their Alma Mater Banning Gay Sex
'This decision isn’t about whether LGBT equality rights are more or less important than the religious freedoms of evangelical Christians.'
Sundance Diary - Day 3: 'The End of the Tour,' 'I Am Michael,' and 'Mississippi Grind'
Buddy road trips proliferate, plus a true story about an ex-gay pastor.
Bible Citation Costs Atlanta Fire Chief His Job
Galatians 5 versus 1 Corinthians 14: Mayor critiques Kelvin Cochran's publishing of his religious views on homosexuality.
Michael Lindsay on Covenant and Conflict at Gordon College
The college's president says the issues on campus go deeper than 'homosexual practice.'
The Unremarkable Call to Love Our Gay Neighbors
Glenn Stanton shows how friendship and biblical fidelity belong together.
Loving Our LGBT Neighbors . . . Without an Agenda
An Interview with Glenn Stanton
Quitting While Ahead
Why some United Methodist evangelicals suggest a split, even though their side is winning.
Tragedy, Tradition, and Opportunity in the Homosexuality Debate
We need a better approach to the traditional biblical ethic on sexuality.
Where Has Grace Gone?
A conversation with Philip Yancey
An Open Letter to Houston Mayor Annise Parker
In response to the city's subpoenaed sermons.
My Non-Christian Best Friend
How a pair of interfaith friends acknowledge their differences and still love one another.
Pew Surprised by How Many Americans Want Religion Back in Politics
Fresh stats on who thinks churches should endorse candidates, whether homosexual behavior is a sin, and has it gotten harder to be an evangelical.
Why Can't Men Be Friends?
Men and women alike increasingly say they are lonely. It doesn't have to be this way.
Desire and Deliverance
Three new documentaries examine Christian faith, homosexuality, and the question of change.
Obama's Contract Killer
Why Christian organizations were concerned about Obama’s executive order—even though so few were directly affected.
The Ones I Love
Who knew that dinner out with friends could be so misleading?
Worship Songwriter Vicky Beeching Comes Out as Gay
The CCM worship world has its Jennifer Knapp moment.
Religious Freedom vs. LGBT Rights? It's More Complicated
The legal context for what's happening at Gordon College, and how Christians can respond despite intense cultural backlash.
A Life Aligned With Love
An interview with Shawn Harrison
Is Gay Marriage Destroying the United Methodist Church?
(UPDATED) Progressives violate ban on same-sex unions, sparking fresh talk of schism.

Top Story June 29, 2024

A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
A New Blueprint for Chinese Churches: Beyond the Four Walls
In a rapidly urbanizing China, some houses of worship are taking inspiration from the Bible while rethinking local architectural tradition.

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