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RFRA Coalition Frays in Wake of Ruling
After "Boerne v Flores," a fight over what's next: Federal laws, state laws, or a consitutional amendment.
The Press Weighs In
Condensed editorials from the summer of 1925 show a nation at odds.
Christianity and the American Revolution: A Gallery of Christians in the Cause
Five devout champions of liberty and revolution.
Preaching the Insurrection
Angry colonists were rallied to declare independence and take up arms because of what they heard from the pulpit.
Disciples of Reason
What did the founding fathers really believe?
Jesus vs. the Watchmaker
Which ideas energized the American Revolution: those of evangelical Christianity or enlightened deism?
Carrots and Sticks
How the Catholic Church responded to heresy
Michigan Judge Nixes 'Charter Schools'
Religious Schools Fear Accreditation Changes
Are religious exemptions for accreditation about to become history?
Showdown in Blackhawk County
The Legal Road to Religious Education
Bulgarian Protestants Resist Restrictions
ARTICLE: The Good Capitalist
Michael Novak's theology of liberation
State's Religious Ed Questioned in Nicaragua
Evangelicals are leery of religious education proposal.
BOOKS: Worth Mentioning

Top Story June 27, 2024

In a Divided World, Practice Patient Persuasion
In a Divided World, Practice Patient Persuasion
A law professor shares lessons on respectful disagreement in the classroom, the church, and the wider culture.

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