Speaking Out

Side B Christians like Me Are an Asset Not a Threat
Same-sex-attracted believers pay the cost of discipleship every day. Our witness needs to be heard.
Why I Pray for Myanmar with Hope
Five reasons for the current crisis, three signs of hope, and three prayers for what is needed next.
Prayers for ‘Where the Church Suffers the Most’ in Europe
Six reasons the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, controlled by pro-Russian rebels, needs Christians to pray for peace and religious freedom.
November’s Holy Week: A Modest Proposal for the Persecuted
From All Saints’ Day to the International Day of Prayer, let’s honor beleaguered believers by following three rules in advocating for religious freedom for all.
What I Learned From Gen Z’s Faithfulness During the Pandemic
Leading InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has given me a chance to see how younger believers model spiritual resilience.
Why I Voted For the Atheist President of Harvard’s Chaplain Group
Participating in interfaith work at the Ivy League university is a help not a hindrance to the exclusivist claims of Christian faith.
Cuban Christians Connect Prayers to Protests
United more than ever across denominations, many evangelicals want “homeland and life” over “homeland or death.”
We Can Reach Conspiracy Theorists for Christ. Here’s How.
God rescued me from a conspiracy theory and terrorism, and he can save others as well.
First Denomination to Condemn Uyghur Muslim Genocide? Southern Baptists
Such statements that bridge faiths are rare, based on my two decades working on religious freedom. Christians need to make more.
In the Push for Racial Justice, There’s a Middle Path Between Passivity and Aggression
Real moral suasion is about relationship-building, not browbeating.
SBC Polity Gives People in the Pews the Power to Stop Corrupt Leaders
This week at the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, attendees will ask for change from the top. But regular members also bear responsibility.
It’s the Summer of Weddings. Here Are Other Milestones We Can Celebrate.
The church has a unique opportunity to recognize markers of spiritual growth in our communities.
Paul Teamed with Women to Start Churches. So Will We.
Why women of color are essential to today’s church-planting movements.
Our First Look at How Pompeo and Blinken See Religious Freedom Differently
Four takeaways from this week’s release of the State Department’s 2020 IRF report.
Proof That Political Privilege Is Harmful for Christianity
Our analysis of 166 nations suggests the biggest threat to Christian vitality is not persecution, affluence, education, or pluralism. It’s state support.
Vaccine Skeptics Need a Dose of Creation Theology
Medicine has limits. But as John Calvin knew, it can be an extraordinary gift from God.
Christians Need Win-Wins with Muslim Society More Than Wins in Court
What Malaysia’s High Court decision on Christian use of the word “Allah” means for the church.
Apologetics Can Flourish After RZIM. But Only With ‘Lowercase Leaders’ and the Local Church.
To detractors, Ravi Zacharias’s fall means the end of a movement. But his demise reminds us to deepen our core commitments to gospel work.
A Crack in the System: How Unfair Drug Sentencing Laws Disrupt Racial Justice
In the push for prison reform, Christians can stand against penalties that disproportionately affect minorities.
Why Christians Who Speak Jesus’ Language Can’t Agree on Their Name
It took Aramaic speakers 1,500 years to agree on Christology, now their main debate is over Assyrian identity. Could Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq encourage unity?

Top Story July 27, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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