
Why We Need the New Battle for the Bible
It's time to turn to Scripture as our final authority.
The Power of Pro-Life Women
It's time to harness “feminine authority” to protect the unborn.
Hope in the Face of Intractable Racism
The church provides two gifts to the conversation on race.
Six Things To Do after the Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage
Now is not the time to sulk.
Going Deeper after the Charleston Murders
Evil like this calls for both anguished lament and better theology.
Dealing with Secular Extremism
4 ways to calm the stormy waters around gay marriage.
If You See Something, Say Something
The church is starving for honest witnesses to moral failure.
There's Still Power in the Blood
Remember when we used to sing about how awesome it is?
Liberating Cuba: Why It Is Still a Great Idea
President Obama’s call for normalizing relations offers a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Cuban and American churches to strengthen their ties.
Let Kelly Gissendaner Live
The Georgia Department of Corrections has done its job. She should not be executed.
Amnesty Is Not a Dirty Word
Christians, of all people, should know that.
What One Racially Divided Family Can Do
Two small steps that may start to address the black/white divide in the church.
The Weight of Ferguson, ISIS, and Boko Haram
How we bear, sometimes joyfully, the burdens of 2014.
Domestic Neglect: Can You Hear the Silent Screams at Home?
Our culture of overwork is creating a crisis.
Why ISIS Must Be Stopped
But no special pleading on behalf of Christians is required.
Life Together, Again
After Hobby Lobby, vibrant corporate life is needed more than ever.
Staying Alive in a Suicidal World
Will the body of Christ live up to its name to stem suicide?
Why We Pray Before Public Meetings (and Let Pagans Do, Too)
Are invocations worth it if it means city leaders will bow for false gods?
A World Vision for Church and Parachurch
Why the organizations that come alongside must also lead.

Top Story July 22, 2024

Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
International undergraduates were part of many schools’ plans for sustainability. A new government rule changes that.

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