
You're Free to Toke Up. But Don't.
The legalization of pot provides an opportunity to examine Christian freedom.
An Open Apology to the Local Church
Though much have I attended you, late have I loved you.
The Problem with the Fetal Pain Abortion Bans
New state bills rely heavily on science. That could turn out to be a problem.
Four Powerful Ways to Solve the Crisis in Orphan Care
Despite fraud and scandal, resourceful evangelicals are meeting an urgent need.
Pep Talks for Successful Living
Yes, but don’t we need something more from our churches?
Whatever Happened to Grace?
A call for a renewal of the message that makes our hearts soar.
Hungry for Outrage
Indignation is the discourse du jour on the Internet. We can do better.
Why Welcome a Same-Sex Couple to Church?
How congregations can reach out to people with same-sex attraction and remain committed to biblical human sexuality.
Planting Deep Roots
When you get serious about cultural change, you get serious about institutions.
Same-Sex Marriage and the Single Christian
How marriage-happy churches are unwittingly fueling same-sex coupling—and leaving singles like me in the dust.
The Right Side of History Is Full of Rewrites
Both same-sex marriage advocates and opponents have seen national recognition of the unions as inescapable. But fortune tellers don’t have great track records.
Sex Without Bodies
The church’s response to the LGBT movement must be that matter matters.
Higher Ed at a Crossroad
Why the local church should care, and what it can do.
A Pope for All Christians
Why believers of all stripes should care about the new head of the Catholic Church.
The Future of Today's Christianity
We have news to offer that is good for us and our children's children.
The Troubled State of Christian Preaching
What Giglio got right and the church often gets wrong.
Discipleship Is Messy
Insider movements can lead to syncretism, yes. But less so if we all stay connected.
Subverting the Taliban
Some things Christians can do to stop terrorists in Pakistan from shooting girls.
How to Unfreeze the Middle East
Reconciliation must be at the heart of peacemaking.
Abusing the Megaphone
Caustic rhetoric undermines Family Research Council's post-shooting response.

Top Story July 22, 2024

Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
International undergraduates were part of many schools’ plans for sustainability. A new government rule changes that.

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