
The Evangelical Jesus Prayer
It's not perfect, but the Sinner's Prayer is a work of genius.
Why Gay Marriage Is More Than a Legal Issue
The marriage debate shouldn't drive us to outrage or panic.
Why Catholics and Evangelicals Can Be United Against Nihilism
Chuck Colson's vision for Christian unity and full-orbed reform lives on.
The ‘Monsters’ Among Us: Child Sex Abusers in Our Midst
How fellow Christians should respond.
How Pastors' Ponzis Affect Our Gospel Witness
A rash of pastor-endorsed fraud taints our gospel witness
The Supreme Court's Religious Freedom Reality Check
A recent unanimous ruling reveals deep commitment to our 'first freedom.'
You Can't Worship Here: Evicting Churches from New York Schools
What will really happen this weekend when churches gather in school buildings for the last time?
Thou Shalt Not Abuse: Reconsidering Spanking
Misuse of biblical teaching on discipline can have deadly consequences.
No Taxpayer Is an Island
Elizabeth Warren is wrong, and right, about the role of government.
Fighting Famine Isn't Enough
Some 2,000 Somalis die of starvation daily. Drought isn't the reason.
Unexpected Political Hero
Even evangelicals who disagreed with Mark Hatfield admired his passionate faith.
Battle for the Bible Translation
Our movement is wide enough to include a variety of methods.
Good Religion, Bad Religion
A new study reveals we're incurably religious. That's a problem.
Harold Camping Is (Sort of) Right
Jesus will put an end to this earth—but that is not the end of the story.
No Adam, No Eve, No Gospel
The historical Adam debate won't be resolved tomorrow, so stay engaged.
Good Christian [Bleep!]
The provocative title of a proposed TV show is not the problem. We are.
An Everyday Scandal
The slaughter of the unborn needs no hidden cameras for condemnation.
iPhone Apps and the Old Adam
A meditation on corporate confession for Ash Wednesday.
The Curse of Blasphemy Laws
An upsurge of democracy should bring religious freedom to the Muslim world.
Tough Grace: Clear and Consistent on Sexual Standards
Consistency means not singling out those with same-sex orientation. The same standard should apply to all.

Top Story July 22, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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