
Cracks in the Crystal Cathedral
Why we are better off letting God make the gospel relevant.
God's Quiet Signature
Why the rescue of the Chilean miners was a "great miracle," and what it tells us about Hanukkah.
Burned by the Qur'an Burning
Our media culture values outrage over truth. We can do better.
An Equal-Opportunity Destroyer
How porn damages women—and what churches can do about it.
Mosques in Middle America: The Next Christian Response to Islam
The strain of religious diversity tests Christians' own principles.
Let the Sea Resound
We can no longer act like creation care is a secondary issue.
Bearing True Witness
Why we are tempted to embellish conversion stories.
Don't Shoot the Messenger
What all Christians can learn from the Catholic Church abuse scandal.
The End of Religious Freedom?
The nightmare scenarios could very well unfold, but they are not the last word.
210 Million Reasons to Adopt
Haiti's devastating quake reminds us that orphans matter to God.
Box Office Pantheism
Critiques of Avatar's spirituality should be winsome—and prophetic.
Listen, Then Speak
Uganda's anti-gay bill is making cross-cultural relations more complex than ever.
Welcome the Exceptional
Churches that embrace people with disabilities do more than they imagine.
The Joy-Driven Life
Death to deadly earnest discipleship!
Looking for Clear Signals
Religious freedom needs less talk and more action in Washington.
Lord of the Wedding Dance
What a Christian marriage ceremony is all about.
A Unifying Vocation
Why development work and gospel work cannot be put asunder.
Megachurches are not the answer or the problem.
Not One Sparrow
We can be 'speciesists' and show compassion for animals.
Self-Examination Time
Lent reminds us that the main problem with us is not them.

Top Story July 22, 2024

‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
‘This Is the Day’ for Filipinos to Develop Their Own Worship Music
In a country known for loving Western praise music—Hillsong’s second-biggest market—a grassroots movement is singing new tunes.

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