
Political Exegesis: On Mulligans and Turning Cheeks
What Tony Perkins gets almost right and Jerry Falwell Jr. gets wrong.
One Does Not Simply Leave Evangelicalism
We agree: It’s a broken word describing broken people in a broken movement. It’s still Good News.
The Biggest Loser in the Alabama Election
It’s not Republicans or Democrats, but Christian witness.
In Defense of Pro-Life ‘Hypocrisy’
Analogies between abortion and other “life issues” are shakier than we sometimes suppose.
What’s a Christian to Do with Statements and Confessions?
Public pressure to sign or abstain from them undermines their greatest value.
The Use of Nuclear Weapons Is Inherently Evil
No earthly leader gets the ‘authority to do whatever.’
Hath God Truly Said, ‘Avoid Foolish Controversies’?
It turns out that lustily fighting for the truth isn’t what God asks of us.
What to Make of Donald Trump’s Soul
And how that might shape our response to his presidency.
A Psalm for the Refugee Crisis in America
When our government is wrong, the church responds by doing what is right.
The Church’s Integrity in the Trump Years
It begins by recognizing the name above every name.
The Burden and Promise of Racial Reconciliation
After Minnesota, Baton Rouge, and Dallas, can we transcend optimism or despair?
Andy Crouch: Stop Engaging 'The Culture,' Because It Doesn't Exist
We should spend more time loving our flesh-and-blood neighbor.
Lawmaker: Adoption Doesn't Have to Be This Expensive
Congressman Diane Black's experience and faith motivates her to advocate for change.
When It Comes to the Next President, We Need More Than Strength
From Trump to Clinton, would-be leaders promise authority without vulnerability.
What Reconciliation Sounds Like
The first step in dealing with social conflict is to listen—really listen.
Slow Down, You Hashtag Too Fast
We don’t have to speak out on every issue.
Why Donald Trump Threatens to Trump the Gospel
There is something more important than our views of the controversial candidate.
Wheaton, Hawkins: Let Us Reason Together, Please
How might a Christian college handle a controversy that threatens to undo it?
How We Forgot the Poverty of Christmas
The Incarnation is not a story we can package or market. It is also the greatest story ever told.
A Church Welcome for the Tired, the Poor
How the refugee crisis makes for a beautiful gospel witness.

Top Story July 22, 2024

Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
Canadian Christian Colleges Hit Hard by New Immigration Restrictions
International undergraduates were part of many schools’ plans for sustainability. A new government rule changes that.

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