
Celebrate Sexual Ethics. Don’t Apologize for Them.
We can take pride and joy in the historic, biblical view of human sexuality.
On Court Prophets and Wilderness Prophets
Christian responses to the president.
True Doctrine Doesn’t Wait
Without good theology, you can’t have Christlike love and compassion.
The Risk of Inviting Jesus into Your Summer
Can this season be one where I grow with God and with my neighbor?
Repenting of Identity Politics
New Zealand revealed the tragic logical end of evils like Christian Nationalism.
Religious Freedom Isn’t Just for Christians
A Supreme Court cruelty reveals how we can love our neighbors.
How to Jump Back In to Bible Reading
Christian leaders have their own reasons for not reading Scripture.
Who Owns a Woman’s Body? Not Who You Think.
Why treating the female body like property misses the gospel and fails the unborn.
Where We Got It Wrong
CT’s greatest essays of old still speak today. But on civil rights, we failed our readers.
Anti-Semitism and Unforgivable Sin
Hate is weak. Mercy is strong.
What to Do About Persecution in China
Our most effective weapon against injustice is carried and concealed in our hearts.
Evangelism Is a Work of Social Justice
How critics can help us keep such social ministries vibrant.
In the Beginning Is Silence
Why Christian activity should start with non-activity.
The Healing of Willow Creek
Misguided loyalty harmed this historic congregation. True loyalty can redeem it.
A Great and Terrible Nation
Understanding our history, and how that might frame our Fourth of July prayers.
Jesus Is Lord. Period.
We’re rendering unto Caesar too much time and attention.
Loving Our Neighbors Knows No Borders—Even Political Ones
Along the way, we may be able to show people Jesus.
God Hates Gun Violence
We American Christians have a biblical call to reduce firearm deaths in our land.
God’s Peace Is Not Always God’s
How to know when our feelings are truly from the Spirit.
It Is Not Good for Man—Or Immigrant—To Be Alone
Why pro-family immigration policy is God-honoring and good for the country.

Top Story July 26, 2024

‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
French evangelicals are working together to show people Jesus at 2024 Olympic Games.

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