Church Life+Ministry

Why Female Theologians Take Flak in the Public Square
The potential rewards of celebrity culture are many, but so are the risks.
Piper: My Hopeful Response to Lecrae Pulling Away from ‘White Evangelicalism’
Lecrae’s decision has roots. And it has fruit.
Princeton Student Ministry Drops Evangelical Name After 80 Years
Term is “increasingly either confusing, or unknown, or misunderstood to students,” says director.
Q&A: Ministering to Gang Members Is God’s Work
Why a juvenile justice advocate builds relationships with Chicago’s most vulnerable young men.
‘You Can’t Just Tell Us What to Believe’
Gregory Coles says the church should offer “breathing room” for gay Christians, like himself, who want to pursue sexual holiness.
The CallingEpisode 55|41min
We Found Fellowship on the Opposite Side of the Immigration Debate
A border patrol agent and an immigration reform activist discuss the spiritual roots of their unlikely friendship.
1 in 3 Protestant Churchgoers Personally Affected by Suicide
Survey also finds one-third of victims were attending church before their death, but few pastors knew of their struggle.
Get Thee to a Swanky Tourist Trap
What missions-oriented evangelicals gain from seeing the richer side of a poorer country.
Matt Chandler’s Village Church Ends Multisite Era
Why the Dallas megachurch has decided to go from one church to six.
Died: David Mainse, Canada’s Top Trusted Televangelist
The late “100 Huntley Street” broadcaster told generations of viewers each day, “Jesus loves you.”
Let’s Save the University from Secular Privilege
The academy has lost its pluralism. Here’s how the church can help find it.
The CallingEpisode 54|42min
Jessica Leep Fick: Let’s Rewrite the Rules for Women’s Evangelism
Why the 'Beautiful Feet' author says it's time we saw disciple-making as a woman's calling, too.
No Child Left Behind Comes to Awana
The children’s ministry rethinks the competition at its core.
Bible Study Fellowship Rewrites the Rulebook
From denim to downloads, BSF is loosening up and adapting for millennials.
Online Tribalism Threatens Women’s Ministry
From our special issue: reflections on discipleship in a fractured age.
Gleanings: October 2017
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our October issue).
Shalom, Amigos: The Changing Faces of Christian Zionism
How Hispanic evangelicals hope to become Israel’s best friends.
Christians Could Return to Middle East, Thanks to Trump (Deportations)
Emptied Arab churches prepare for a rare task: making room.
Our October Issue: Rooting for Bible Ministries
Confessions of a Bible study dropout.
Benny Hinn Is My Uncle, but Prosperity Preaching Isn’t for Me
As part of the family empire, I lived a life of luxury. Then doubts began to surface.

Top Story June 26, 2024

When My Sermon Riled Our City
When My Sermon Riled Our City
Preaching on sex and gender led to local uproar and national headlines. Here are seven things I learned.

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