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Salah Menafsirkan Kitab Suci karena Kecerdasan Buatan
Saya meminta ChatGPT untuk menafsirkan Khotbah di Bukit. Inilah yang saya pelajari tentang kesalahan penafsiran AI.
La iglesia no está preparada para la nueva era de inteligencia artificial
En el misterioso valle inquietante de la sombra de los datos, no debemos temer mal alguno. Pero debemos prepararnos para un futuro muy diferente.
A New Era of AI Is Here, and the Church Is Not Ready
In the uncanny valley of the shadow of data, we should fear no evil—and prepare for a very different future.
Des « Pères de l’Église » robotiques pourraient créer de nouveaux canons.
Quelles balises fixer pour le développement de « BibleGPTs » fondés sur l’IA générative ?
AI Has No Place in the Pulpit
Technology can serve the church. But it can’t replace the good, frustrating, endless work of ministry.
The Bulletin Episode 40|37min
When Will We Ever Learn?
Concerts get wild, ChatGPT goes to school, and how old is too old to lead?
Interpretando mal as Escrituras com o ChatGPT
Pedi ao chatbot para interpretar o Sermão do Monte. Veja os erros exegéticos que a IA cometeu.
Misreading Scripture with Artificial Eyes
I asked ChatGPT to interpret the Sermon on the Mount. Here’s what I learned about AI’s exegetical errors.
Robot ‘Church Fathers’ Might Curate New Canons
Generative AI and the rise of “Bible GPTs” could radically shape our engagement with Scripture.
Pastors: Lead Not Your Church into Fear of AI
We can use generative apps for ministry and make our congregations aware of its dangers.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 42|50min
Are We Miracle or Machine?
Poet, author, and literary critic Adam Kirsch talks about human nature, technology, and the future.
The Bulletin Episode 11|40min
1,000 Typing Monkeys Can't Be Wrong
Classified documents, Pride Night at the NHL, and ChatGPT.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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