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Wafat: Jürgen Moltmann, Teolog Pengharapan
Seorang tentara Jerman yang dijumpai Kristus di kamp tawanan perang, kemudian ia menjadi seorang cendekiawan Kristen terkenal yang mengajarkan bahwa “Tuhan menangis bersama kita agar suatu hari nanti kita dapat tertawa bersama-Nya.”
Parcours de vie : Jürgen Moltmann, théologien de l’espérance
« Dieu pleure avec nous pour que nous puissions un jour rire avec lui. » C’est dans un camp de prisonniers que Christ avait rencontré ce célèbre théologien en devenir.
Falleció Jürgen Moltmann, teólogo de la esperanza
Un soldado alemán encontrado por Cristo en un campo de prisioneros de guerra se convirtió en el renombrado erudito cristiano que enseñó que «Dios llora con nosotros para que algún día podamos reír con Él».
Morre Jürgen Moltmann, o teólogo da esperança
Após se converter a Cristo em um campo de prisioneiros de guerra, ele tornou-se um renomado estudioso cristão e ensinou que “Deus chora conosco para que um dia possamos rir com ele”.
Died: Jürgen Moltmann, Theologian of Hope
A German soldier found by Christ in a prisoner of war camp, he became a renowned Christian scholar who taught that “God weeps with us so that we may someday laugh with him.”
We Are ‘Gods’ Because We are God’s
The Book of John reminds us that Jesus’ humanity makes ours possible.
Por que os homens jovens não estão conseguindo voar com as próprias asas
Para os homens da Geração Z, que se sentem sem propósito e perdidos, o caminho para sair do sofá é o caminho da cruz.
Todos los días de esta semana son santos
Los cristianos tienen muchas razones para celebrar desde el Domingo de Ramos hasta el Domingo de Resurrección.
Why Every Day This Week Is Holy
Christians should celebrate from Palm to Easter Sunday—and everything in between.
Picture Jesus: Is He Shiny?
Christ’s resplendence in the Transfiguration says more than we think.
Why Young Men Are Failing to Launch
For Gen Z men who feel purposeless and lost, the way off the couch is the way of the Cross.
Spiritual Formation Is Becoming Like Jesus
Our new year’s resolutions won’t get very far if we neglect the object of our transfiguration.
Noel’in Kurtarılmaya İhtiyacı Yok!
Bayram gelenekleri bize zaten sahip olduğumuz kurtuluşu hatırlatıyor
Christmas Doesn’t Need Saving
Holiday specials remind us of a salvation we already have.
God’s Last Word Is Jesus
Christmas celebrates the finality of Christ’s incarnation.
Eating Bitterness: My Culture Helps Me Persevere. The Bible Helps Me Hope.
Both talk about endurance in suffering, but only Scripture encourages me to boast in my weakness.
Ancient Chinese Sacrificial Rituals Resemble Those of the Israelites. Does This Matter?
What Jesus’ death means for how I make sense of my culture’s traditional religious practices.
Jésus-Christ n’est pas une superstar
Les représentations populaires de l’Homme-Dieu peuvent attirer des foules admiratives, mais ce ne sont pas elles qui créent de véritables disciples.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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