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God Whispers to a Restless and Grief-Stricken Heart
An excerpt on doubt, despair, and restoration from Land of My Sojourn: The Landscape of a Faith Lost and Found.
Mimbar Kita Penuh dengan Pengkhotbah yang Kosong
Puluhan ribu pendeta ingin berhenti tetapi belum. Apa yang telah terjadi pada mereka?
An Open Letter of Gratitude to Religion Reporters
Thank you for helping readers navigate these tumultuous times, but remember to take care of yourself as you take care of your readers.
Why Everyone (Including Us) Needs to Practice Self-Aid
To care well for others we must also care well for ourselves.
数以万计的牧师想辞职,但还没有。 这对他们有什么影响?
數以萬計的牧師想辭職,但還沒有。 這對他們有什麼影響?
Nos Églises sont pleines de prédicateurs vidés
Des dizaines de milliers de pasteurs ont envisagé de démissionner, mais ne l’ont pas fait. Quelles conséquences cela pourrait-il avoir pour les communautés ?
Our Pulpits Are Full of Empty Preachers
Tens of thousands of pastors want to quit but haven’t. What has that done to them?
슬픔에 가까운 부활의 기쁨
성탄의 기쁨과 대조되는 그리스도의 부활
La joie de Pâques n’est pas sans mélancolie
La célébration de la résurrection du Christ contraste avec la joie de Noël.
O que C. S. Lewis e John Henry Newman nos ensinam sobre a alegria melancólica da Páscoa
A celebração da ressurreição de Cristo contrasta com a alegria do Natal.
The Audacious Challenge of Starting Over: Could I Bring My Church Baggage?
Years of faithful church commitment came with years of church trauma. One woman describes her journey to stay in the Church despite all the baggage.
The Art of PastoringEpisode 2|30min
The Art of Pastoring While Discouraged
Pastoring can take a toll on the souls of leaders. How can we deal with discouragement without losing our sense of calling and purpose?
Resources for Trauma Healing After Disaster
Interview with Dr. Philip Monroe of the American Bible Society
Have Yourself a Bittersweet Easter
A typical Holy Week is out of reach this year. That's cause for lament—and celebration.
The Turbulent Calling of Bivocational Ministry
Three honest stories about its rewards and challenges.
Easter Joy Belongs to the Melancholy
The celebration of Christ’s resurrection stands in contrast to Christmas joy.
I Discipled a Murderer
When people don't change, are our efforts in vain?

Top Story April 23, 2024

Let the Seas Rise and Feed the Poor
Let the Seas Rise and Feed the Poor
Helping marine biodiversity flourish is a means of participating in God’s work, says an Indonesian theologian.

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