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Two Cheers for the Wedding Industrial Complex
For all their faults, our marriage rituals present family and promise-keeping as beautiful, desirable, and worth the effort.
How to Make Friends at Church
It’s tough to plunge into a new congregation. Here’s how to get your head above water.
Try to Talk Before You Go
Cutting off “toxic” people is social media’s go-to mental health advice. But Jesus commands us to seek conversation and reconciliation.
The Imprudence of ‘Dump Them’
Online pop psychology has a simple solution to every relationship problem. Love and prudence call us to something messier—and better.
Singleness Is Not a Sin
But in Scripture, church history, and singles’ own accounts of their lives, it’s usually not a good thing, either.
I Loved Studying Math. I Needed God to Show Me Why.
At a moment of crisis, my drive to excel seemed increasingly pointless.
Why Broken Friendships Hurt
For believers, both old and new relationships carry an eternal weight and value.
There Is No Such Thing as a ‘Safe Space’
Our culture values self-protection. But true love demands that we move toward each other.
From Holistic Health to a Holistic Gospel
Wellness culture has infiltrated the church. Scripture casts a different vision.
The Clinical (And Political) Power of Neighborhoods
We cannot survive only on big, vague associations for meaning. We need our neighbors, too.
Come Ye Pastors, Heavy Laden
Learning to walk under the weight of ministry's many hats.
I Was Pro-Life In Theory. It Took Much More to Actually Help.
Our convictions, when lived out, will cost us.
There’s No Substitute for Presence. So I Uprooted My Family.
How the conviction to honor my aging parents convinced me to move home.
Want Better Relationships with Young Donors? Change Your Priorities.
New research tells us what motivates younger generations' giving.
Relationships Don’t Just Happen. They Take Training.
We disciple our young people to love God and to work hard. But relational formation is important, too.
Don’t Diss the Early-Marrieds
Recent research suggests that young couples are doing fine, despite the stereotypes.
The Single Person’s Catechism
21 questions and answers to help the unmarried Christian develop a theology of singleness.
Gary Chapman Doesn’t Know He’s Famous
The top-selling author’s love language books have transformed millions of lives—except, maybe, for his.
On Answering with Gentleness and Respect
Christians are called to good-faith interactions online.
Why We Don’t Dump Friends Who Disagree
Affection can keep us together, even if ideas don’t.