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Como a igreja pode ajudar na cura de mulheres negras
Ser uma “mulher negra forte” era minha medalha de honra, até que isso quase me matou.
Comment l’Église peut-elle contribuer à la guérison des femmes noires ?
Être une « femme noire forte » était ma fierté, mais j’ai bien failli en mourir.
How the Church Can Help Black Women Heal
Being a “strong Black woman” was my badge of honor, until it almost killed me.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 76|1 hr 40min
Hope for High Conflict with Amanda Ripley
The journalist and author believes we can get stronger together.
On Building ‘Deeply Christian’ Racial Justice Movements
The NYC founders of Pray March Act want church-led activism to outlive news cycles and divisive politics.
Ces classiques qui nous dénigrent, Jésus peut en faire des œuvres nouvelles.
En tant qu’Américaine d’origine asiatique, la grande histoire de Dieu m’aide à aimer une littérature qui me met souvent de côté.
Western Classics Exclude Me. But Christ Can Redeem Them.
As an Asian American, God's great story helps me value literature that often leaves me out.
MLK’s Epistle to the White Church Still Preaches
On the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Christians are reminded of how much further we must go.
A Bíblia condena a brutalidade policial
As Escrituras denunciam policiais que abusam de sua autoridade e prejudicam as pessoas a quem servem, em vez de protegê-las.
What the Black Church Can Teach Us About Lent
Majority white churches can learn from the spiritual practices Black believers have cultivated for centuries.
La Biblia condena la brutalidad policial
Las Escrituras condenan a los funcionarios que abusan de su autoridad, y perjudican en lugar de proteger a las personas a las que sirven.
The Bible Condemns Police Brutality
The Scriptures denounce officials who abuse their authority to harm rather than protect the people they serve.
Seeing Color Matters in Black History
This month, white Christians can love their Black siblings in the church by seeing their struggles in context.
If You See Something Unjust, Say Something
The new Emmett Till film tells a story of racial apathy that still haunts the church today.
Vamos falar sobre raça como filhos de Deus, e não como construtores de Babel
Em Cristo, podemos lidar até mesmo com as conversas mais difíceis sem desrespeitar o outro.
全国性的悲剧后美国人仍然会听布道, 但其语调已不再一样
Let’s Talk About Race like Believers, Not Babel-ers
In Christ, we can handle even the toughest conversations without speaking past one another.
National Tragedies Still Call Forth Sermons. But Their Tone Has Changed.
A new history argues that Protestant ministers have traded prophetic introspection for triumphalist civil religion.
For Christians, Juneteenth Is a Time of Jubilee
Observing Juneteenth as a national holiday affirms what we believe about our faith and our freedoms.

Top Story July 15, 2024

Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Christian Duty in a Spiral Toward Unrest
Political violence looms large in our national history, to our shame. It does not have to define our future.

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