Politics+Current Affairs

Work over Welfare
Former Illinois Senator Paul Simon discusses his plan to put the poor to work
Censoring Christmas
Public Christmas displays, like the Ten Commandments, are allowed—as long as they don't mean anything religious
Accidental Revolutionary
How one woman fought for a just tax
'Jesus Tax' Plan Dies
Alabama's fiscal debate exposes a divide between Christians
Ancient Christian Commentary on Current Events: What Is War Good For?
What early church leaders thought of Christians and the military
University Forbids 'Offensive' Tracts
Messianic Jew sues University of New Orleans over ban
Violated Felons
Christians help lead federal campaign against prison rape
God Reigns-Even in Alabama
Let's not make the Commandments into a graven image
Go Figure
Recent figures on faith and politics
The Unflappable Condi Rice
Why the world's most powerful woman asks God for help
Quotation Marks
"Recent comments about politics, bias against Christians, and Pat Robertson's support of Charles Taylor"
'The Privilege of Struggle'
How Rice understands suffering and prayer
Hard Line on the Road Map
Can Rice put pressure on the nation she admires?
Curbing Big Brother
Christians urge Ashcroft to respect freedom in surveillance law.
How to Really Keep the Commandments in Alabama—and Elsewhere
Since when did the public display of the Ten Commandments become the eleventh commandment?
"Bill Pryor, the Man in the Middle"
Alabama attorney general catches flak from all sides
Being the Leaven
Why only a handful of Sri Lankan Christians wage peace via the difficult political process
Israel's Anti-Family Values
Christians should be outraged by a law thwarting Israeli-Palestinian marriages
Watch that Invocation
Prayer in Jesus' name forbidden in California legislative meetings
Courting Trouble
Christians oppose embedding Islamic tribunals in Kenya's new constitution

Top Story July 17, 2024

J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.

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