Politics+Current Affairs

Ignoring God in the Constitution
Draft fails to acknowledge Europe's Christian heritage
Cross Purposes
Wearing the Christian symbol can be a problem in places like Saudi Arabia and Pennsylvania
Federal Judge Rules Parts of Church Land-Use Law Unconstitutional
Groups plan to help Elsinore Christian Center appeal zoning case
"Religious Conservatives, Stalemated Despite Friends in High Office, Rethink Strategy"
Supreme Court's sodomy decision causes fresh soul searching on effectiveness
Ken Connor Resigns from Family Research Council
Former trial lawyer now considering Senate bid favors judicial strategy over Federal Marriage Amendment
The Evangelical View of Israel?
Evangelicals are more diverse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than we are led to believe
Working Poor, Dropped from Tax Cut at Last Minute, May Be Helped After All
Biblical principles of justice support a graduated, progressive tax system in which those with more wealth pay a larger share
Faith-Based Lite
Administration still seeks 'revolutionary' change
Peace Process Criticized
"Bush acknowledges country's military activity, but does not impose threatened sanctions"
Quotation Marks
"Recent comments about war, abortion, and the separation of church and state"
Vanity Watch
We can do better than merely mirror the naïveté of our enemies
The Mother of All Liberties
Full religious freedom for Iraq is not negotiable
No Religion-Based Zoning
Illinois Vineyard church wins right to worship in its own building
Does Lawrence v. Texas Signal the End of the American Family?
"Evangelicals may not agree on antisodomy laws, but they're all concerned about what the Supreme Court's decision of them means"
The Supreme Court Rejects Natural Law
It's now up to the churches to guard what is graven on the heart of man
"While Critics Worry About Continued FCC Deregulation, Christian Broadcasters Have Little to Fear"
"The few mom-and-pop religious stations remaining won't feel a significant change, say observers"
Battling Bigotry
Widow seeks to stem growing tide of hate crimes
Free Speech for Politicians
God-talk in the public square is healthy
The Bush Doctrine
The moral vision that launched the Iraq war has been quietly growing in the President's inner circle
Law and Disorder
"Why your church might end up before a judge and jury, and what you can do to prevent it."

Top Story July 17, 2024

J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.

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