Politics+Current Affairs

Court Affirms Rights of Inmates
Prison officials may not place substantial burden on religious exercise
Let No Law Put Asunder
A constitutional amendment defending marriage is worth the effort.
Muslims at Home in America
Christians have a part to play in helping Islam adapt to democracy.
Peace in the Trash Can
Protestants disillusioned with Good Friday Agreement.
Turkmenistan Tightens Religion Law
Violators of new law to be punished by fines or corrective labor.
China Arrests Dozens of Prominent Christians
At least 50 detained in fresh crackdown on house churches, reportedly promoted by new video and book releases.
Macedonian President, a Former Methodist Lay Minister, Dies in Plane Crash
Boris Trajkovski promoted peace in a country divided by Orthodox Christian and Muslim distrust.
At the Crossroads
Evangelicals have become major players in American culture, and that may be their biggest problem.
Vietnam's 'Appalling' Persecution
Activists want Washington to confront Communist leaders for torturing and killing Christians
Ex-Muslims Harrassed in Egypt
Egyptian state security police arrested and tortured Christian converts
One Nation Under God—Sort of
We've got bigger problems than the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Name Game
A Roman Catholic archdiocese sues over the word catholic.
The Tourist Attraction That Isn't There
Alabama's Ten Commandments monument still drawing visitors despite its absence from the state Supreme Court building.
Afghan Constitution Provides Little Protection for Religion
Nod to freedom of practice is too limited, critics say.
Massachusetts court backs gay marriage
The twelfth of never
Bush administration drastically lowers goals for faith-based initiative.
Supremely Rejected
Lower-court decisions the Supreme Court let stand
An After-Christmas Gift
"A homeless man, an angel, and a reminder about our final home"
Threatening the Amish
How the Amish solve the legal problems of civil liberties
'A Man and a Woman'
Activists say the Federal Marriage Amendment will be the defining issue in the next election

Top Story July 17, 2024

J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
J.D. Vance, the VP Pick for a Party Made in Trump’s Image
The Catholic convert brings a fighter persona and outsider’s view to politics.

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