Politics+Current Affairs

My Two Dads? Not in Florida
U.S. Circuit Court upholds ban on gay adoption
Q & A: Bill Frist
The Senate Majority Leader on key moral issues.
Scholarship Wars
Supreme Court says states can deny public funds to some religious students.
State of the Unions
Administration proposes plan to teach couples relationship skills
The Christianity Today News Wrap
Responding to cloning, banning religious apparel in France, and a ponzi scheme
AWOL Again on the Faith-Based Initiative
The Senate has passed on another chance to safeguard equal opportunity.
Border Crackdown
Government seeks to stamp out North Korea refugee problem.
Amending Marriage
Christians in Massachusetts are playing catch-up to protect the age-old institution.
Lip Service
Vietnam's guarantees of religious freedom are not fooling anybody.
A Politics of Gratitude
Stop whining, count your blessings, and love your global neighbors.
A Question of Faith
Top Democrats have much work ahead to convince voters of their religious sincerity.
Border Crackdown
Government seeks to stamp out North Korea refugee problem
Go Figure
Recent statistics on happiness, faith-based prisons, and Canada's evangelicals
Islamic Board Gets Green Light
Tribunal to arbitrate that civil cases can appeal to Muslim legal principles.
Misfires in the Tolerance Wars
Separating church and state now means separating belief and action.
Civil Unions: Would a Marriage by any Other Name Be the Same?
Some theologically conservative Christians support civil unions and remain opposed to same-sex marriage.
Locke vs. Davey Won't Hinder Voucher Expansion, Say Legal Experts
Religious institutions must be included in federally funded programs.
A Law that Shouldn't be Cloned
New Jersy legalizes human cloning for research.
Hindu Extremes
Congrassmen appalled at religious persecution of Christians and Muslims.
'Swing Evangelicals'
Democrats seek to show that they also have faith-based values.

Top Story July 17, 2024

A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
A Renewed Invitation to Seek the Kingdom
In these fractured times, we want to focus on Jesus’ call to chase after his will.

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