Politics+Current Affairs

A Question of Repentance
Northern Ireland evangelicals: Laying down arms not enough.
Leader's Death Unsettles Nation
Can peace process work without the strong-arm Garang?
The Politics of the People of God
The Church has a unique role to play in our politicized culture.
The Court's Uncertain Trumpet
Unprincipled Commandments rulings leave a nation guessing.
Iraq's Worrisome Constitution
A future government will have to untangle the threads of a document that claims to be both Islamic and democratic.
Subverting Dignity
Nina Shea on the greatest threat to human freedom today.
The Daniel of Religious Rights
Nina Shea is not someone to tangle with. And the persecuted are mighty glad.
Go Figure
Recent stats on religious expression, public displays, and marriage.
Quotation Marks
Recent quotes from Eric Rudolph, J.K. Rowling, the Pope, and Tammy Faye.
End Extreme Poverty in 2005?
No way. But we can still do something significant.
Court Decision Worries Churches
Kelo puts religious property at risk.
I Now Pronounce You Husband and Husband
Homosexual marriage now legal; pressure feared.
Planned Parenthood Affiliate Quietly Removes Cartoon Advocating Violence Against Pro-lifers
Christian and pro-life groups say attack is supported by tax dollars.
From Disgrace to Sage
Jonathan Aitken says having gone from political power to prison helped him write his extensive biography of Charles Colson.
What If They Threw a Judicial Confirmation Battle and Nobody Came?
Though Roberts nomination looks certain, groups say they'll spend resources on the debate—and set the stage for the next one.
Iraqis in U.S. Won't Vote on Constitution
Christian minorities fear Shari'ah law will force a continued exodus from Iraq.
Frist's Folly
Killing human embryos for research is not pro-life.
Broken Tablets
The Court splits the baby and denies the rule of law. Feel united yet?
We Thought Frist Was One of Us'
Christian scientists and political conservatives are upset with Frist's support for expanded embryonic stem-cell research.
Where Does Feminists for Life Fit in the Pro-life Community?
Group brings unique niche strategy to the movement.

Top Story July 18, 2024

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