Politics+Current Affairs

New Air Force Religion Guidelines May Restrict Evangelism
Policy allowing chaplains "to instruct and/or evangelize" withdrawn, lawsuit seeks explicit ban on all members.
Choose Life' License Plates Hit Red Lights, Green Lights
Courts differ on whether messages are state or individual speech.
Miers Withdrawal Shows Split Among Religious Conservatives
High-profile cases underscore stakes for next nominee.
Why Is Venezuela's Chavez Singling Out New Tribes Mission?
Charges sound eerily familiar to Latin American missionaries.
Go Figure
Recent stats on religious and non-religious politics, Russia's abortion rate, and views on evolution.
The Great Stem Sell and Other Mistakes
What Americans really think about science: astonishing new polling data.
Christianity Today News Briefs
Saving Darfur, suing against emergency contraceptives, allowing Muslims in Sunday school, and vetoing gay marriage.
Victims and pundits grope for meaning, political and religious.
Silence on Suffering
Where are the voices from the Christian community on cruel and degrading treatment of detainees?
Faith Test Okayed
University says Christian group can require beliefs, behavior of its members.
Painful Choice
The debate on when the unborn feel pain heats up.
Dr. Frist's Dilemma
The Majority Leader's contradictions mirror the opinions of the public at large.
A Wing and Less Prayer
New Air Force religion guidelines get mixed response.
Cloning Still Haunts California
Remember Prop. 71? Stem-cell research supporters hope voters don't remember the promises they made.
Belfast Boils
Evangelicals condemn Protestant rioting.
Live Patients & Dead Mice
The little-known story of the stem cells that actually work.
Can We Defeat Poverty?
Unless Africa tames corruption, new aid efforts will fail.
Quotation Marks
Recent quotes on Pat Robertson, salesman pastors, school prayer extremists, and Intelligent Design.
Leon Kass, a Bioethics Legend, Steps Down
The man who led the President's Council on Bioethics brought protests from the industry and directed groundbreaking studies.
A Question of Repentance
Northern Ireland evangelicals: Laying down arms not enough.

Top Story July 18, 2024

Put Away Your Swords
Put Away Your Swords
Jesus used his final moments with his disciples before the crucifixion to heal his opponent’s ear—and model the way of love.

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