Politics+Current Affairs

It Isn't Easy Being Pink: There Is No Neutral Ground When It Comes to Planned Parenthood
A noble cause cannot mask the most ignoble of partners.
The Politics of Breast Cancer
Why the Komen Foundation's desire not to be "political" is understandable, but impossible.
The Komen Fiasco's Silver Lining
Small comforts (and other sizes) emerge from Planned Parenthood’s bullying tactics.
The Pink Ribbon and the Dollar Sign
The wrong lessons to draw from the Komen-Planned Parenthood debacle.
The Similarities and Differences in Eric Metaxas's and President Obama's Prayer Breakfast Addresses
The 'Bonhoeffer' biographer emphasized care for the unborn as the President emphasized care for the poor.
Evangelicals Mounting Concerns over Obama Administration's Contraceptive Mandate
Protestants are increasingly joining Catholics in protesting Health & Human Services mandate.
The Ironies of Obama's National Prayer Breakfast Speech
The President seems to be debating himself on religious motivations and the common good.
Komen Reverses Course, Will Not Ban Planned Parenthood from Applying for Funding
The breast cancer awareness foundation had earlier said Planned Parenthood would be ineligible to apply for future grants.
After Komen, the Next Big Planned Parenthood Fight
Pro-life groups target $487 million in taxpayer funding for the nation's largest abortion provider.
How biblical is it to be pro-life and support the death penalty?
Honoring Life
Schoolhouse Divided
Controversies over religion in public education are as old as public education itself.
Pink Stink: Komen Drops Planned Parenthood Support
Move comes after Bible spat, debate on breast-cancer activism.
Europe's Top Courts Are on a Pro-Life Roll
Recent rulings surprise observers.
A Pro-Life Plea This Election Season
The importance of remembering real women.
Flickers of Hope for Some of the World's Longest Running Persecuted
Home to one of the longest running civil wars in the world, recent gestures offer cautious hope to Burma's Christians.
How Bethany Hoang Was Wired for Justice
The director of IJM Institute for International Justice Mission shines the spotlight on modern-day slavery.
Is Cage Fighting Ethical for Christians?
Observers weigh in on participating in or watching sports and violence.
Discipling the Dragon: Christian Publishing Finds Success in China
Despite stringent controls, 1,300 Christian books are now available—legally—inside the communist country.
Will Immigration Slowdown Prompt a Bilingual Ministry Bust?
Churches retool Hispanic outreach after recession impact.
Why Last Saturday's Political Conclave of Evangelical Leaders Was Dangerous
Brothers and sisters, we are neither kingmakers nor powerbrokers.

Top Story July 23, 2024

He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
He Told Richard Nixon to Confess
Most ministers were silent about Watergate. Why was one evangelical pastor different?

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