Politics+Current Affairs

Counterterrorism Laws Hamper Humanitarian Aid
The red tape preventing relief.
Church Wins Firing Case at Supreme Court
Unanimous decision in closely watched case strengthens "ministerial exception."
Service Is Not Scandal: Responding to Mark Noll
Why it's good that evangelicals have not, and likely will not, develop an "evangelical mind."
Q & A: Jimmy Carter on his Faith-Filled Presidency
How Christianity played a role in the former President’s office.
The Cure for Election Madness
How to be political without losing your soul.
Commander and Chaplain: The Faith of Presidents
Gary Scott Smith explores how faith has influenced presidential policies.
Has the Same-Sex Marriage Debate Helped Pro-Life Advocacy?
Observers weigh in.
Top 10 News Stories of 2011
The events, people, and debates of the past year that have shaped, or will significantly shape, evangelical life, thought, or mission.
Pastors Double-Dare the IRS
Observers suggest that punishing church endorsements will be unlikely.
As USCIRF Faces Possible Closure, Funding Divides Religious Freedom Experts
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom is preparing to shut down.
No Taxpayer Is an Island
Elizabeth Warren is wrong, and right, about the role of government.
The Defining Issue of the 2012 Presidential Race?
Observers consider what Christians should prioritize in the upcoming election.
Michele Bachmann: 'It's High Time We Have a Mother in the White House'
Also, the GOP candidate from Minnesota tells CT about her new church.
Q & A: Frank Wolf on Liberty for the Captives
The congressman pleads for a passionate American commitment to international religious freedom.
School Choice Programs Snowball
Forty-one states introduce or pass new programs.
Mississippi Personhood Initiative Defeated
Ballot efforts initially gained momentum as some groups say they could backfire and entrench abortion rights.
Democrats Receive Blowback over Outreach to Religious Voters
Religious left groups have criticized the DNC’s choice due to Derrick Harkins’s views on abortion and same-sex marriage.
Q & A: Timothy Goeglein on Redemption After Plagiarism
The former aide to President George W. Bush explains ways to think theologically about repentance.
Lone Senator Holding Religious Freedom Commission 'Hostage'
Watchdog may close up in less than a month. (Updated)
What's New Is Old: 'America's New Evangelicals'
Today's politically liberal evangelicals may not be as different as some imagine.

Top Story July 23, 2024

ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
ERLC Retracts Announcement Firing President Brent Leatherwood
UPDATE: The chair of the board of trustees, Kevin Smith, has resigned.

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