
Coping with Christmas
For adult children of divorced parents, the holidays aren't as happy as they are supposed to be. Author Jen Abbas has some advice.
The Top Ten Books of 2004
And a warning about the risks of reading.
Not Your Grandma's Testimony
A 30-year-old ponders his spiritual journey in the evangelical subculture.
Good Boundaries Make Good Christians
The difference between welcome and inclusion
Good Grief
The School of Dying Graces says costly lessons lead to priceless wisdom.
Invitation to Paganism
The Vanishing Word laments the loss of the logos.
Mythical Proportions
America is not so generous, free, and innocent as it imagines itself.
Sloppy Inclusiveness
An interview with Caroline Westerhoff, author of Good Fences: The Boundaries of Hospitality.
Tuning the Soul
All the Music of the Bible surveys melodies from Creation on.
Good News from the Doctor
A longtime TV physician's tortuous search leads to an informal apologetic.
Hurt by Success
Christian bookstores hit hard by competition from Wal-Mart.
Musings that Swirl
Searching for God Knows What: Stimulating ideas about the Christian life.
Parsing Pop Lyrics
Tangled Up in The Bible translates Dylan's use of scripture.
Learning to Love Moses
The difference between meaning and truth.
Reaching the Light
A review of On Broken Legs: A Shattered Life, a Search for God, a Miracle That Met Me in a Cave in Assisi.
Autumn Books
Some that stand out in this season's plenty.
Serious Love
Love That Works: seeking a better understanding.
The Virtue of Vulnerability
It can be hard to trust, but failing to is worse.
Blogging for Jesus A virtual goes to print.
Building Alliances to Save Lives
Why evangelicals' partnership with others to fight persecution worked—and where the coalition is heading.

Top Story July 18, 2024

CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
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