
Changed by the Unchanging
A new take on the spiritual disciplines calls for a little more action and a lot more love.
From Sex Pistols to Shadowmancer
Vicar turned fantasy author took a bumpy road to the top.
Book challenges Native American link to ancient Israel.
Living with Fundamentalists
Spirit and Flesh documents life in a Baptist church.
Operation Human Rights
How evangelicals got outside their comfort zone to help the oppressed overseas.
Poetry, Parables, and Prose
The Unfinished Soul is an eclectic bag of goodies.
Second-Best Kid Lit Ever
John Granger considers the Potter series the best thing since The Chronicles of Narnia.
Why Commitment Matters
Stop Dating the Church says Joshua Harris, author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye.
Darkness Visible
An unsparing new memoir by the author of Slackjaw.
Books & Culture's Book of the Week: Whose Independence?
All the Founding Fathers of America celebrated independence, but what the word meant depended on who was speaking.
In Memoriam: Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)
Remembering a philosopher who never forgot about death.
Books & Culture's Book of the Week: What's Love Got to Do with It?
Susan Howatch's new novel explores the transformation of sexual attraction to sacrificial love.
The Blogosphere's Favorite Real Live Preacher
The author of instant messages about the sudden success of his weblog.
Fundamentally Personal
At The Shawmut River Baptist Church, worship and preaching are saturated with the familiar, the at-home.
Clearing the Clutter
Kevin Miller shares tips on Surviving Information Overload
Courtroom Thriller
Dying Declaration combines faith, race, and politics into a page-turner.
Fighting Zealous Tolerance
With truth under attack, Voddie Baucham Jr. says Christians need to better learn how to engage the culture with the gospel
Fish Tales
The Catch tells fishing stories that connect three generations.
The Art of Debating Darwin
How to intelligently design a winning case for God's role in creation.
Theological Tango
Debut novel for adults reflects big themes in a small town.

Top Story July 18, 2024

CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
CT Design, Redesign, and Re-redesign, from 1956 to Today
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