
Wayfaring Strangers
Set in Mexico, Anita Desai's latest novel is a compact but multilayered tale of pilgrimage.
Unholy Wars
Two books document the dangers of mixing church and state.
What Do You Mean, 'Moral' Fiction?
John Gardner, Martin Amis, and the ethics of the novel.
Scott Peck vs. Satan
A well-known psychiatrist describes and analyzes two exorcisms.
The Devil Didn't Make Me Do It
Possession is real, says Scott Peck, but we have more to fear from the evil already inside us.
LaHaye's Tribulation
Left Behind coauthor challenges Tyndale over Last Disciple.
Booking Ahead
The conclusion of our seasonal roundup—and, at last, truly, this time we mean it, The Worst Book of the Year.
Faith-Filled Fantasy
The author of Shadowmancer tells another spiritual tale between angels and demons.
Searching for Significance
John Piper urges living for the glory of Christ.
From the Big Bang to my Office
More books to note from 2004.
Mystery and Paradox
Unsentimental, careful essays explore God in nature.
Facing the Elder-Care Crisis
Escalating health-care costs bid the church to get creative.
Q+A: Harry R. Jackson Jr.
Senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in College Park, Maryland, and coauthor (with George Barna) of a new book, High-Impact African American Churches, on trends in black churches.
Quotation Marks
Recent quotes on Amish voters, Christian politics in Germany, book burning, and the UK's abortion scandal.
Roads to Recovery
Following God On Broken Legs
Unfashionably Good
A savory collections of essays by Alan Jacobs.
Advent's Spiritual Pilgrimage
The birth of Christ is only the final stop when meditating this holiday season. An excerpt from Ancient-Future Time: Forming Spirituality Through the Christian Year.
Modern, All Too Modern
Tom Wolfe's new novel, largely reviewed as a satiric report on the sexual mores of today's college students, is fundamentally about the nature of the human will.
Every Fraud Needs a Cure
How perpetrators are more gullible than their victims. An excerpt from Cleaning Up.
Preaching the Christmas Gospel
More than a semi-annual crack at irregular churchgoers, the Christmas sermon has traditionally invited us to worship and wonder.

Top Story July 18, 2024

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